Remember that they thought they had a trade lined up for Shelton - maybe with Kansas City?
In other news, my offer to play for the league minimum was rejected due to the club finding me excess to requirements for pudgy, mostly disinterested players over 35 with bad joints.
Remember the writer who wanted NYC to get rid of Mix? Well, he's at it again....
Pirlo to DM spot, mix to Pirlo's spot if FA CB can actually play, you don't need two players for one position (CB and DCM). Need a left fullback here, Allen sucked on the left, RW is Shelton. Proof right here that Kreis had the horses to make a credible lineup and chose not to.I've been pushing the 4-2-2-2 lately, but tried to come up with a formation built around Poku and I'm thinking he would be amazing in a False 9 role. I also think a successful False 9 could confuse the hell out of MLS defenses - has this been tried before with any success?
Mix would backup both Lampard and Pirlo. Those two would be awesome there behind the play, with Poku dropping back and drawing a CB, and then Villa and the RW making runs in behind. Of course, a stud DM would be required to make up for the slow CMs.
Agreed except for Shelton, he isn't a starter his first touch is abysmal. Maybe he can develop but right now it's not there.Pirlo to DM spot, mix to Pirlo's spot if FA CB can actually play, you don't need two players for one position (CB and DCM). Need a left fullback here, Allen sucked on the left, RW is Shelton. Proof right here that Kreis had the horses to make a credible lineup and chose not to.
Pirlo to DM spot, mix to Pirlo's spot if FA CB can actually play, you don't need two players for one position (CB and DCM). Need a left fullback here, Allen sucked on the left, RW is Shelton. Proof right here that Kreis had the horses to make a credible lineup and chose not to.