First, I can't believe that no one has commented at the laughable notion of us having 4 smart athletic backs.
Okay, moving on. I actually think this does one really interesting thing. By adding Mullins to this group we now have (a) the five players we all most want to see on the field in 2016 and (b) the 5 players we may very well most want to see on the field in 2017. Giving Mullins, Villa, Poku, Mix and Pirlo all a season together now will teach them a lot about one another. Invest in the back line this year and let these 6 play up front.
Then in 2017 you can invest in a real CDM and the 5 players returning play in front of that new signee. They have a full year of learning each other's quirks. Meanwhile our "4 smart athletic backs" have also had a year to gel. Oh, and did I mention that we get to sign a new DP?
This I like.