My home town team plays in the 7th tier of English football. All of its players are semi-pro - they also have "real" jobs. A number of their games are within a 15 mile area, and most are within 70 miles, but the league schedule still made them do such trips as Monday evening games to the likes of Dorchester and Paulton, both in the region of 160-180 miles away - the equivalent of travelling from NYC to Philadelphia - for games with a 7:45pm kick-off.
Come to think of it, there was a team in their league last season (and will be again this coming one) which is based at the very end of the Cornish peninsula - the long, thin sticky-out bit of southwestern England. Their closest team was 80 miles away; the furthest was about 350 miles out. Bear in mind these are teams playing a 44 game season, plus about 4 cups, at least two of which are national. They have to travel long distances around once a week for the entire season. It's simply expected of players to be able to handle it.