2017 City Member Package

Just got home. I really like the box. The NYC flag on the opening. The stripes around the inside. The five borough icons that will be on the jersey around the side. Sure, the stuff inside isn't amazing, but they're not going to put something in their you're likely to buy instead. It's about the product on the field.


(Seriously, I need to do that too.)
Last thing I need in my house is another damned scarf. Hell I've never even seen this scarf ridiculousness outside of Europe. I don't get why we do it. That being said... these crappy bags are going right in the trash. I have no use for em and they clutter up the place. Waste of money. If you are going to charge us more and give us less, don't be wasting coin on cheap stuff no one needs or wants. Save it for a stadium you can afford. =/
How much clutter does a drawstring bag provide? I haven't received my box yet, but I'm imagining I could roll it up and fit it inside a tiny drawer if its like every other drawstring bag out there.
How much clutter does a drawstring bag provide? I haven't received my box yet, but I'm imagining I could roll it up and fit it inside a tiny drawer if its like every other drawstring bag out there.
It's flimsy enough that you could store it in a thimble in a tiny drawer (to the extent you own a thimble).
That's what I recall the increased damage was for 2 season tickets that I have in 131 section. I could be a bit off, but it was a significant hike.
STH prices went up $17 a year per seat in section 131. Not even in the vicinity of $250 as you "remember". ........... Unless you define "a bit off" differently then the rest of humanity.....
It's flimsy enough that you could store it in a thimble in a tiny drawer (to the extent you own a thimble).

You either use these bags for 2-3 weeks until they fall apart and you throw them away, or get ahead of the curve and just throw them away. Final alternative is put them in the thimble, then clean out your thimble drawer in 3-4 years and ask "Why am I keeping these?" and then throw them away.
I think im the only one who uses the drawstrings.... they are great for putting in the trash can as a liner!