5/1/2014 Meet & Greet With Tim And Claudio. The Results


Seasoned Supporter
First! I want to thank everyone that showed up to the event. NYC FC were impressed with the response.

A huge thanks to @jerzy for going out there to represent NYCFCforums.com . As you know, we wanted to make sure we had proper representation for all our members who weren't able to make it -- myself included. Jerzy was able to get pretty decent audio of the event.

the entire Q&A session is just over 30 minutes.

Most, if not all the questions that we put together, here in the Forums were asked. NYC FC already had a copy of our list (??) and started off by answering a couple of them. Then opened up the Q&A to everyone.

For those who can't listen to the audio. I was able to transcribe most of it. It's going to come across a little scattered, I apologize for that. Apparently listening and typing simultaneously is very difficult. Also, the audio quality is not perfect, so it was difficult to transcribe verbatim. I also couldn't tell who was talking [and when] so I wasn't able to distinguish the answers by who gave them. Sorry about that.

If any of you guys have the time and want to give a shot at a better transcription, please go for it. Our goal here at the forums is the be the FIRST place to go for information. So everything posted is considered a "WORK IN PROGRESS".
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What are the plans for pricing
A: pricing will be rolled out in May. very affordable. comparable to other mls teams
size of the supporters section?
A: supporters tickets will be allocated as needed. we will take precedence.
At this point, the mic was given to the Supporters

MCFC relationship with NYC FC: Parent club or sister club?
A: members of the same family. mc, melbourne, ny. all mc resources will be avaialble to the whole family
-rhetoric about THE CITY WAY. BEAUTIFUL GAME etc.

Where is the Supporters Section going to be?
A: Where do you want to the supporters section to be. Pleased this question was asked, because we were going to ask you.Where do you want the SS? Seriously, where do
do you want it? Most important thing is to have the best possible fan experience. Supporters advisory board with be in contact with FC.

Claudio, are you playing?
A: no

When can we expect the first player signing? what are we doing to scout?
A: working hard to build a team. focusing on one player right now. expect to see signings in the summer. there is a lot of interest [from other players] to play here
What level of spending are you willing to use towards marquee players?
A: whatever is needed

one soccer player that you would like to see that embodies the city style?
A: Yaya Toure. many to choose from but he embodies the character of nyc fc. maybe one day!

how do we reconcile the relationship between mc and nyc - how can we be assured we are priorority?
A: we are building a family of football clubs. this club will be better than the others because it has access to more knowledge, player, skillful people. we are building a real, authentic ny club

will there be a US DP?
A: if the opportunity exists for a us born DP we will explore it. we would love to have american players on our team. we trust jason kreis' judgement. we honestly just don't know.

what does nyc fc need to do to get an SSS in bx?
A: relationships need to be developed. we are in dialog and building the right relationships. but we continue to explore opportunities. above all it's about relationships. it needs to be the right place for nyc and the fans
buidling the team.

how many DP's can we expect? Where are we getting players from?
A: many different mechanisms to build from. Expansion Draft. College draft. after we have some players we can make trades. using our scouting network. There are players in mind.

how many dps?
A: we plan on using 3 dps

-cant hear the question- clubs commitment to the SG?
A: we are here to build the relationship. its why we are here. our relationship with supporters is very important. by inviting you to events. looking to you for advice for decisions. you guys will be the ARMY of marketing for us. (we want to make you happy)

RBNY, Cosmos, any chance NYC FC having friendlies?
A: great question. soccer is growing in nyc. especially with world cup around the corner. we will keep our options open.

-cant hear questions
A: with nyc fc we are focused with nyc fc. there will be competition. there will be rivalries. they will be organic. but we can only focus on ourselves.

-cant hear, dealing with u21's
A: the u21's we can use. without getting into details, that is the pool we can choose from. jason has been there for 4 months. hes very impressed with. he feels a couple of them can really help us.

how will yankees scheduling be worked out?
A: the scheduling process will have a lot of people involved. before the announcement was made the entire process was vetted. they came up w every combination of possible
events. it will be hard. but we would have never made the announcement without fully vetting the process.

MTA - MetroNorth - direct service?
A: the train?! so, the beauty of yankees stadium is its access. access is a huge thing. this is a nyc club but we want to open the clubs access to the entire region. the yankees have a great relationship with the MTA and we will use that relationship to try and make sure we can get you guys to games.

-cant hear- [[judging by the answer, this is a very important question for all of us.]]
A: we plan to have a comprehensive advistory board for supporters. we will try to rotate that board. we need to listen to the fans. the board will meet with supporters. we will meet in office and listen.

sport for the working man. --cant hear-- something about making football more affordable for working people?
A: we hear you loud and clear. mike is not just mc, hes the guy taking care of ticket sales and fan services. we understand it is expensive. the cost of nyc fc will be affordable. the price for season tickets, under 20 a game. ((spiel about beer)) if you can promise to drink a significant amount of beer we will make it affordable

TV scheduling?
A: working on a local broadcasting deal. if they dont work out, there will be alternatives. if there are conflicts, there will be alternates. we are meeting w alternate outlets for alternatives if the local broadcasting deals do not work.

Official kits - broader range of merch?
A: jersey announce in fall. a lot more merch coming in the summer. right around the corner

what is the philosophy for building a team?
A: we laid it out. --cant hear...goes into detail about important slots, ive seen the answer available elsewhere on the forum--

what are the plans for the "first year"
A: to win. we will need to have patience but we expect 5 years. First, we play football. Second, we win. In this order.

-cant hear- re: academy?
A: tryouts. we are going to have a tryout this summer. there will be a process of filtering. we want to look for players that will be invited to our camp

-no idea-
A: Paul Jeffries: Community relationships? --
Good job. thanks!

Don't want to make too much out of it, but I found it somewhat interesting that 11 months out and they're "focusing on one player". That kind of sounds like they have an A Lister in the cross hairs.
Very good effort einwindir .. I wonder how long it will take for the papers to link us to Yaya now when he have been mentioned by the top brass, even if it was just as an example :D
Nice work man. I briefly contemplating trying a proper transcript and gave up within a minute. Serious kudos for going through the whole thing and writing that up.

FYI, I believe the final question was about whether they would advertise the club in New Jersey, and the answer was that Paul Jeffries, the Director of Community Development, had been recruited to make a serious presence for the club via the City Soccer in the Community charity arm, which will do a lot of youth engagement stuff, and that the plan is for him to take CSitC as far and wide as possible, and that will include NJ.
Nice work man. I briefly contemplating trying a proper transcript and gave up within a minute. Serious kudos for going through the whole thing and writing that up.

FYI, I believe the final question was about whether they would advertise the club in New Jersey, and the answer was that Paul Jeffries, the Director of Community Development, had been recruited to make a serious presence for the club via the City Soccer in the Community charity arm, which will do a lot of youth engagement stuff, and that the plan is for him to take CSitC as far and wide as possible, and that will include NJ.
Don't worry about writing up! @Section1Guy is going to comb through it and do a proper write-up. Or at least that's the plan.