American Rebellion

I'm not quite sure I understand what this is about. I didn't even realize the current Supporters culture was something to rebel against.
I'm not quite sure I understand what this is about. I didn't even realize the current Supporters culture was something to rebel against.
Yes. That's what it looks like. Their cause seems to be: like soccer, don't join supporters groups.
There are a few haters of American Outlaws, despite the fact that they have generated the best fanbase for US Soccer ever. By far.

I guess success breeds haters. Really, these guys should just pay the $25, get a shirt and a bandana, and ticket prices you would never get any other way. Its worth it.
To each his own. I guess American Rebellion will be the best union of supporters without flags, banners, tifo, or community involvement of any kind.
sounds a bit communistic to me. not gonna lie, a good idea though

Technically it's Anarchistic, not Communistic.

Also, this seems to me like an attempt at creating a rival to the AO, rather than being about club football, so unless anyone disagrees I'm going to move this to Football Discussion?
So if you break it down, this is just a USMNT supporter group that has a problem with the way the American Outlaws are run? Anyone know what the story behind this is?

Why go through all this drama when you can just create your own supporter group with your own rules?
For all we know, its just one grumpy guy who made a half-baked website. Are there any members of this group? I guess the philosphy is no membership, so a better question is if anybody has acted on these principles and created a supporter group? I doubt it.
I would go as far to say that the American Outlaws haven't just created support for the USMNT, but for MLS and soccer overall in this country. There's a reason ESPN overdoes the AO love and chants and stuff.... It's what sells.