Anyone think we might see a return to 3-2-2-3 against the Timbers?
Arguments against:
- We seem to have found a system that works for us in the 4-3-3.
- It's unproven away from the postage stamp we play on at YS. Lack of defensive width could leave us very open.
Arguments for:
- 4-3-3 may only work for us so well because of Bravo. I can't think of too many players who possess Bravo's combination of physicality and positioning.
- 3-2-2-3 gives us a 1 man overload in the center against the 4-3-3, which is what I think Portland have been using.
If we did switch back, I could see Tommy moving back into the middle with Mix as the front pair of the midfield 4, and Pirlo next to Mikey as the defensive pair. Then we can bring in Mendoza on the wing, where he's looked increasingly dangerous (albeit on the right).