Blue City Radio Episode 2

Great job guys loving the the work you are doing on the podcast. Btw I am calling the NYC or New York City or I call them the blues. But maybe it time we put up the a poll if @NYCFC_Dan the other mods will allow it. Hell maybe we can borrow Murders Row form the Yankees.
Getting better guys. Mike, I started with the metrostars and was there from the beginning but it just got to the point that it became impossible to continue to support the energy drink company and their management and organization incompetence. This team allows me to support a brand new team that actually reps the city I care most about from the ground up. No brainer for me. Can't wait for the season to start.
Great job guys! I'm seriously impressed with the quality of show you are able to make even thought the show is so young. You can count on that I'll be a repeat listener for as long as this is still on the air. Can't wait to see what you all can do when the season starts up and there is a consistent flow of information for you to work with week-in and week-out
Suggestion: I think your pod needs a little more disagreement between the two of you. Not in a "First take" kind of way, but I find that discussion can be more fruitful and thus better as a listener when you have some competing perspectives. It can be hard to do right now as we don't know much about the players, the team as it will be on the field etc. but maybe something to keep in mind for future episodes.