The thing with Legends is it provides a simple and complete food service solution. Teams/stadiums/arenas hire one vendor who deals with all the subcontractors while also providing a base level of burger and hot dog options. That the food selection and prices are not great does not matter because Legends does everything else right from the standpoint of their customer, who is not the fans. They do the same for licensing.
The University of Michigan's primary apparel licensing partner who ran the official MDen stores managed to go bankrupt this year just a few months after Michigan won a national championship because it seems the company principal was siphoning money to his personal account instead of paying landlords, vendors or the school. Michigan replaced that company with Legends, who stepped in and engineered a seamless transition with no lag in gear availability just as the fall school term and football season began.
They're professionals. They don't need the Yankee connection to get clients.