Given that UEFA have previously called out MCFC for utilising payments for "football services" from one CFG club to another, but then explicitly banned any such transfer of monies between CFG clubs as part of their agreement to "only" fine the club £16m instead of the full £49m, and given UEFA pays such incredibly close attention to club accounts and reviews them root-and-branch every year, then either MCFC are being staggeringly blatant about a decision to return to cooking the books in the most flagrant fashion or this whole story is just the result of people who don't get to see the full ins and outs of a set of accounts deciding to draw conclusions based on very limited evidence.
Until UEFA declares that there has once again been a massive manipulation of financials and bans MCFC from the Champions League, I'm going to have to assume the latter is more likely here.
You're cool with assuming, on the strength of your faith in UEFA's integrity, that the club down at the bottom here is turning a profit?
Unrelated but if anybody's in the market a buddy of mine can hook you up with a sweetheart deal on a Tempe beach house.

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