Here is my ridiculous proposal.1. I'm a worrier, not a warrior. I've been check my temperature three times a day even though it's never been above 99.0 during the past 90 days. I do have a cough, but I think that's more due to stress and anxiety.
2. Most singular sporting events (i.e. Kentucky Derby, French Open) have been postponed until September.
3. This isn't going to be better by May 10.
4. NBA may play its playoffs behind closed doors in a single area in Las Vegas, Nevada. ESPN suggested that MLB play a 32 game regular season in September/October and then have the playoffs.
With that all said...
I don't think we're getting a 34 game regular season of MLS. Maybe 24 games, most of them are closed door.
Quarantine all players, coaches, officials, and media until its clear that all are in the clear.
Empty out Randall's Island and close off the pedestrian bridge and only keep the auto access open for emergency vehicles.
Play out the MLS season (at whatever length) and playoffs at Icahn Stadium. The only "fans" in attendance for matches are players/coaches from the teams not playing. Live shots to "fan" player/coaches reactions throughout the match.