Mcfc Fan's Thoughts On Nycfc

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First of all: Hello from Manchester!

I've been reading this forum with interest recently, and can't help but notice there seems to be a bit of an identity crisis among many of the posters here, and how they interpret themselves as NYCFC fans. Where their true loyalties lie etc.

An interesting comment I noted was this, on the thread regarding which respective City club you'd rather enjoy silverware:

I voted NYCFC because I'm a Liverpool fan....

MCFC fans are largely indifferent about NYCFC, some are very enthusiastic about the club, and are excited about the partnerships between the two clubs. But comments like this are indicative of a wider problem many of us saw coming, and this is precisely where a lot of MCFC fans are put off by NYCFC.

NYCFC are a brand new club, they haven't yet played a single fixture. Their foundation came via an initiative by Manchester City and our owners.

Our owners, in conjunction with the New York Yankees, created NYCFC.

MCFC part own NYCFC.

The clubs are intrinsically linked.

NYCFC share the word 'City' in their name for that very reason.

But make no mistake, NYCFC are an individual club in their own right, they represent New York, not Manchester.

But it doesn't sit well with long serving MCFC fans to be linked to a club which draws a large proportion of its support from what we'd call 'plastic' fans of other Premier League clubs who dislike MCFC and shun our 'culture' so to speak.

We want you to create your own individual culture, no one wants NYCFC to become Chivas 2.0. But lets not forget that NYCFC are part of the City Football Group, your whole club will be built from the ground up to share our football philosophy; you'll have MCFC academy players on loan, you'll share coaches, and MCFC's scouting network. Your Sporting Director is so, for the very reason he's an ex City player, as well as an ex USA international.

Any success NYCFC have, MCFC will have played a significant part in making that a reality.

If you're uncomfortable with that due to allegiances to other Premier League clubs, then maybe NYCFC isn't for you?

Apologies if this comes across as sanctimonious, but I certainly believe this is a discussion you should be having among yourselves at least.

My ten pence?

Create your own culture, your own identity. But don't look too far from MCFC in all this, we're effectively partners; in a sporting sense and commercial sense.

Besides, the romantic in me is warmed by the idea of people from different parts of the world sharing some kind of common link and empathy, in spite of all their differences in culture and lifestyle.

But I digress, enjoy the future lads.

I tend to agree with a lot of what you said, but the tone that enters in sentences like "Then maybe NYCFC isn't for you" is the tone that all the Anti "City Fans" have a problem with. I put the "City Fans" in quotes because I'm not saying Anti-MCFC, I'm saying Anti-fans. You guys are who we have a lot of issues with. You say greetings from Manchester... so who the heck are you to decide if a New York club is for anyone or not? That's the attitude that causes problems.
I couldn't give a flying fuck about MCFC culture or how things sit with long serving MCFC fans. I am not an MCFC fan and the opinions of MCFC fans who aren't NYCFC fans means absolutely diddly squat to me.

I tend to agree with a lot of what you said, but the tone that enters in sentences like "Then maybe NYCFC isn't for you" is the tone that all the Anti "City Fans" have a problem with. I put the "City Fans" in quotes because I'm not saying Anti-MCFC, I'm saying Anti-fans. You guys are who we have a lot of issues with. You say greetings from Manchester... so who the heck are you to decide if a New York club is for anyone or not? That's the attitude that causes problems.

I know that was a potentially provocative comment. But it's a fair point.

If, as I said, someone has a dislike of MCFC due to allegiances to other Premier League clubs, then why would they support a club which shares MCFC's name and was founded by them? A club which aims to build core ties to MCFC and share its philosophy as a football club.

Wouldn't that be a team which people who dislike MCFC would avoid?

Or would they overlook that due to the likes of David Villa and potentially Frank Lampard arriving at the club - while disparaging everything MCFC related?

Core point for me.

Do New Yorkers want NYCFC to become the go to for fickle gloryhunters, putting aside their loyalties for other Premier League clubs and dislike of MCFC, for the opportunity of experiencing glory first hand with essentially an MCFC subsidiary? Seems a bit absurd to me.

And if that's how people want it, then so be it.

But I don't believe the club will be a success, long term, if people have that attitude. If that kind of culture develops it'll only prove a negative to NYCFC.

How many MCFC fans are going to be supportive of NYCFC, supportive of sending our young academy players there, of sharing our coaches and coaching expertise with NYCFC, if the fans there are entirely ungrateful and can't stand MCFC?

Thankfully, I believe those people are in the minority.
I couldn't give a flying fuck about MCFC culture or how things sit with long serving MCFC fans. I am not an MCFC fan and the opinions of MCFC fans who aren't NYCFC fans means absolutely diddly squat to me.

Good example right here.

If you couldn't give a fuck about MCFC culture, then why would you decide to support a club which MCFC founded, a club which is modelling its core values on MCFC and shares its name?

Could that be because you're in it for the glory?

Hence why, I presume, given your name - you're either a United or Liverpool fan?

If NYCFC's fanbase is made up of people like yourself then I struggle to see how it would be a success.

Successful clubs are built upon a core fanbase of likeminded and loyal supporters. That's what gives a club its unique character, that's what is the soul of every European football club.

Without that, no football club will ever enjoy longterm success.
I don't think you need to like Man City to be a NYCFC fan. It wasn't Manchester City that started this club up. It was Mansour and his friends. It's not like Manchester City is Real Madrid who completely generate their own revenue. Manchester City are just as much attached to Mansour as we are in every aspect.

But with that said I don't dislike Manchester City at all. And I hope both teams generate plenty of synergies with one another. But I don't believe NYCFC fans should feel like they owe Manchester City anything. It's Mansour and his buddies we should appreciate.
Did it ever cross your mind I could possibly not support an EPL team? Perhaps that I am attracted not to NYCFC because of an attraction across an ocean to a land and city I've never been to but rather because it is a team that represents MY city and MY culture. That's why I don't give a fuck about MCFC. It is a team for Manchester, and I have no connection to Manchester.

You obviously have not followed MLS before, ever. There is no glory hunting in MLS thanks to parity. Also, go google Cornell Big Red, you ain't finding no Liverpool or United info. Cornell is a university in New York and their nickname is Big Red.

You say if the fanbase is made up of people like me we will struggle. I fail to see how a fanbase made of MLS diehards with a love of its city will struggle. Not mention that a fanbase made up of people like me won't push away the non-City fans. While I don't give a fuck about MCFC culture I also don't give a fuck about Liverpool culture, or Real Madrid culture or Bayern culture. It doesn't meand shit to me because it ain't NYCFC.
Did it ever cross your mind I could possibly not support an EPL team? Perhaps that I am attracted not to NYCFC because of an attraction across an ocean to a land and city I've never been to but rather because it is a team that represents MY city and MY culture. That's why I don't give a fuck about MCFC. It is a team for Manchester, and I have no connection to Manchester.

You obviously have not followed MLS before, ever. There is no glory hunting in MLS thanks to parity. Also, go google Cornell Big Red, you ain't finding no Liverpool or United info. Cornell is a university in New York and their nickname is Big Red.

You say if the fanbase is made up of people like me we will struggle. I fail to see how a fanbase made of MLS diehards with a love of its city will struggle. Not mention that a fanbase made up of people like me won't push away the non-City fans. While I don't give a fuck about MCFC culture I also don't give a fuck about Liverpool culture, or Real Madrid culture or Bayern culture. It doesn't meand shit to me because it ain't NYCFC.
I don't think you need to like Man City to be a NYCFC fan. It wasn't Manchester City that started this club up. It was Mansour and his friends. It's not like Manchester City is Real Madrid who completely generate their own revenue. Manchester City are just as much attached to Mansour as we are in every aspect.

But with that said I don't dislike Manchester City at all. And I hope both teams generate plenty of synergies with one another. But I don't believe NYCFC fans should feel like they owe Manchester City anything. It's Mansour and his buddies we should appreciate.

That's a fair point, to an extent.

Manchester City however, own an 80% stake of NYCFC - not ADUG.

Good to hear someone at least has something positive to say about us though mate!

However, I don't think it's particularly ungracious for me to say that NYCFC will benefit a lot from their link with MCFC.

You will share access to our scouting network, you will share coaches, and you will receive some of our young players on loan. Your manager spent a year around the club learning how we operate, how to be a successful club.

These are all things which will directly affect your ability to be competitive on the pitch in a very positive manner.
No ones is discrediting the resources we'll get but you're out of your fucking mind if you think this club can be successful if the fan base is made up of only MCFC fans. You guys are barely 10-15% of epl fans in NYC and that's being generous. In addition the majority of those fans wouldn't be if you guys hadn't won the title 2 years ago. I don't blame you. You don't live here so you don't understand how things are here. You should read up on Chivas USA.
Did it ever cross your mind I could possibly not support an EPL team? Perhaps that I am attracted not to NYCFC because of an attraction across an ocean to a land and city I've never been to but rather because it is a team that represents MY city and MY culture. That's why I don't give a fuck about MCFC. It is a team for Manchester, and I have no connection to Manchester.

You obviously have not followed MLS before, ever. There is no glory hunting in MLS thanks to parity. Also, go google Cornell Big Red, you ain't finding no Liverpool or United info. Cornell is a university in New York and their nickname is Big Red.

You say if the fanbase is made up of people like me we will struggle. I fail to see how a fanbase made of MLS diehards with a love of its city will struggle. Not mention that a fanbase made up of people like me won't push away the non-City fans. While I don't give a fuck about MCFC culture I also don't give a fuck about Liverpool culture, or Real Madrid culture or Bayern culture. It doesn't meand shit to me because it ain't NYCFC.

I did say that I assumed you were a Liverpool or United fan, as many on this forum are, that would constitute gloryhunting.

That was incorrect however, and was based upon your username. So I take that back, and I apologise.

Likewise, the "people like you" comment was based upon the assumption that your disdain for MCFC was borne out of a support of another Premier a league club.

I see more where you're coming from now, and highlighted it in my OP originally. You're a New Yorker and you want to solely identify with NYCFC, you want them to have their own identity and not run the risk of being compared to Chivas.

All I'm saying is do not overlook the part MCFC have had in giving you the opportunity to have a major football club in New York to support.

Your football club will share a name with MCFC, you'll share our colours.

Your club will, and has already benefitted, from being given tutelage by MCFC. That includes some of the greatest coaches in Europe.

Your club will benefit from taking some of our academy talents on loan.

These are all things which will directly affect your ability to compete in the MLS.

These are all things which you will gain by virtue of being affiliated with MCFC.

It is absurd to disregard all this, and insulting to the fans of MCFC. Many seem to disregard all of this due to a dislike of MCFC - for whatever reason. If that's the case, again, I'd have to ask why such a person would support a football which is effectively a subsidiary of MCFC.
We've been through this before and it's pretty simple. The people of this city are putting their club affiliations aside and representing their city's team. NYCFC.
Some of us are MCFC fans and it's even getting old for us. Support the club or don't. Leave other affiliations at the front door. That's it. End of story over and done.
No ones is discrediting the resources we'll get but you're out of your fucking mind if you think this club can be successful if the fan base is made up of only MCFC fans. You guys are barely 10-15% of epl fans in NYC and that's being generous. In addition the majority of those fans wouldn't be if you guys hadn't won the title 2 years ago. I don't blame you. You don't live here so you don't understand how things are here. You should read up on Chivas USA.

No mate, I follow where you're coming from, and I understand the Chivas angle as I've mentioned previously.

All I'm saying is that anyone who holds a disdain for MCFC and seeks to disparage us, should be reminded by other NYCFC fans that without MCFC there wouldn't be a NYCFC.

It's the anti MCFC rhetoric which really grates, and is plain staggering to MCFC fans.
Also I don't really know where this is coming from. I've posted on Bluemoon that we have done our best here to stop any bickering between MCFC and non MCFC fans and just make this about NYCFC. We are very civil here and there have been no arguments in recent memory. We've put that all behind us.
Everyone here gets the MCFC presence and respects that but the conversations are limited to our club unless news/rumors otherwise dictate.
The only time it ever comes up again is when an outside individual comes in for the first time and brings it up again.
The thing is no one hates you guys for being city fans. The issue is that fans of other epl teams are looking past their epl allegiances to root for NYCFC. They get defensive when MCFC fans tell them they should thank MCFC which is partly true but it shouldn't be thrown in the face within the first 2 comments MCFC fans make here. Especially not when the club is building a fan base. We understand you're MCFC fans and that if it wasn't for your clubs involvement you wouldn't even be here. But Liverpool, United, Arsenal, Chelsea etc fans can leave their epl teams outside on a forum about NYCFC, they expect you guys to be the same. On a NYCFC forum, we expect NYCFC to be the only thing on a pedestal. You guys have blue moon for your city fandom. I expect fans of other team to reflect their fandom of those clubs on the appropriate forum. That way we don't spend page upon page bickering and have the same damn topics every other day

You're the only one who looks like they're glory hunting here. We've been here from the beginning. You started posting after NYCFC signed its first player. We appreciate the support from England. We're not going to bow to the fanbase or the club.

We respect our owners and everything that comes with it, but MLS is our league. The EPL doesn't affect us one single bit. Therefore, we can be fans of any team in the EPL or no teams in the EPL. We're still NYCFC. If you want to know why @CornellBigRed came out guns blazing, it's because YOU and YOUR fans have always started it.

There are multiple American owners that own teams in your league and teams in the US. It doesn't affect who is a fan of either of them. It's different countries and leagues. Who cares. Hell, it's practically a different sport still. NYCFC can't become one of the biggest clubs in the world until MLS becomes one of the biggest leagues in the world.

You say we wouldn't have NYCFC without Man City. Well you wouldn't have NYCFC without us. This club will have 100 fans total at its games if it was just MCFC fans. Get a grip on reality, bud.
Can you imagine some schmuck Austrian fan of Red Bull Salzburg posting something like this on a RBNY forum?

A word of advice: apologizing for being sanctimonious pretty much confirms your sanctimony.
I'm sensing anger from both sets of fans, but I don't really get it.

Neither club are demanding your absolute loyalty. This is a game which is meant to be fun. There is nothing wrong with supporting one club and following another. Or supporting both. Having a second club isn't unusual even among loyal fans.

Though MCFC have my loyalty, I'm still supporting NYCFC. Our owner has given us some really incredible moments. The least I can do is be supportive of his vision for a global network of clubs. Being negative toward another club in the CFB just to prove your allegiance is misguided. Be mindful that Sheikh Mansour's generosity makes our dreams possible. You aren't obligated to support both, but there's no reason to be angry at another member club.

OP, why antagonize people by saying "then maybe NYCFC isn't for you"? It is for anyone who wants to be a part of it no matter how they feel about the PL.
No ones is discrediting the resources we'll get but you're out of your fucking mind if you think this club can be successful if the fan base is made up of only MCFC fans. You guys are barely 10-15% of epl fans in NYC and that's being generous. In addition the majority of those fans wouldn't be if you guys hadn't won the title 2 years ago. I don't blame you. You don't live here so you don't understand how things are here. You should read up on Chivas USA.
I live here, and you're full of shit
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