To the extent this is simply (1) start in the controlled Disney campus and (2) spread elsewhere when safe, I'm on board. It's as good a plan as any. It's the hybrid tournament/normal season mutation with some games counting for both I find off-putting.
No Shimmer for me please. Dessert topping or floor wax. Pick one.
But it is 1 and 2, though. They're playing this tournament in July as a way to start, then the plan is to spread to home stadiums in August and finish the regular season that way. Having these games count towards the regular season is literally just a way to get some games in the books. Of course they might have to stop at some point, but this is just a way to restart things, get a sense of the lay of the land, then either they stay in Orlando and play regular season games there, or they can branch out and start going to home stadiums.