English Support Or American Support?


Should we (the supporters club for NYCFC) have a English style of support or American?

personally, i feel we should be more english. they just seem to run things better there.

when i first joined the forums, i did research on the other supporters from other MLS teams. and boy was i surprised. i dont wanna end up apart of the stereotype "the normal american fan". IE I DONT WANT TO END UP LIKE THESE GUYS

i dont like the cappos or the drums. if you're gonna have a cappo, dont give them their own stand, be like Bald Vinny of the Yankees.

the reason i dont like the drums is because it gives people power and their just obnoxious. the last thing you want is drums while your piss drunk. again, we gotta learn from Bald Vinny, he doesnt use drums and he still gets his point across.

and btw these guys are "hooligans" too and no one bats an eye ;P
Board member guys have already emphatically said no drums on the SG page. So you don't have to worry about that part.
I would prefer an "English style" also. I would be OK with ONE drum. Someone who could just keep a beat, but I do not want drums to dominate the sound. I also do not think it is necessary to sing for 90 minutes. This would lead to no capos also. We will sing/chant for what is happening on the field, to create atmosphere and heckle the opposing team. We do not need to have canned chants at specific minute marks throughout the game. We could have 1 if the SC is behind it, but I wouldn't want our entire song book based on that.
I just hope we have more than 50 fans in the supporters section
Well then it is up to us as the supporters to do our jobs and make a lot of noise for the team, on and off the field. Once the 1st official meeting is done and we have a name, we can start branding ourselves and have more frequent meetups so people can sign up with us. We need to be highly visible.
I like English style too but I guess we can find some sort of balance.
Apparently us choosing to be NYCFC supporters and choosing more of an English style will make us "Eurosnobs".
Well fuck it. I'll proudly be a Eurosnob if I choose not to be a fan of an energy drink promotion campaign.
One thing I want is to not have the same songs and chants every single match. Red Bulls supporters section is so boring for this reason. Every game it's the same thing, at the same times.
I think we should have an opener that we sing pregame/early minutes and then a combo of player/situational songs. Maybe one at the end of games for wins and one for losses. Winning one about how great we are and losing one about how we dont give up on the team and things will be alright.
I think we should have an opener that we sing pregame/early minutes and then a combo of player/situational songs. Maybe one at the end of games for wins and one for losses. Winning one about how great we are and losing one about how we dont give up on the team and things will be alright.

Just an idea, but for a song after a loss we could sing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley
Just an idea, but for a song after a loss we could sing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley
I like that.
And since we can't curse in songs inside the stadium we could sing ones with cursing outside the stadium to get hyped or at bars during away games and especially against EDNJ
I think you are putting too much thought into this, guys.

Chanting and singing should come naturally; someone starts, the person next to them joins in, and it spreads. Or not, as the case maybe. Songs evolve and are created over time in relation to what is happening on and off the pitch. See: "Oh Pablo Zabaleta ..." "Yaya, Yaya, Yaya" "It shoulda been 10" "We're going up, we're going down" (song recently resurrected from the 90s)

I personally don't like the drum shit, as it seems forced. Similarly I don't like the European style of having one (large) section of fans who do all the singing and just go through their whole repertoire of songs. It does look impressive, but, again, it seems forced.
I think you are putting too much thought into this, guys.

Chanting and singing should come naturally; someone starts, the person next to them joins in, and it spreads. Or not, as the case maybe. Songs evolve and are created over time in relation to what is happening on and off the pitch. See: "Oh Pablo Zabaleta ..." "Yaya, Yaya, Yaya" "It shoulda been 10" "We're going up, we're going down" (song recently resurrected from the 90s)

I personally don't like the drum shit, as it seems forced. Similarly I don't like the European style of having one (large) section of fans who do all the singing and just go through their whole repertoire of songs. It does look impressive, but, again, it seems forced.

Should songs come naturally? Maybe during the game. But here we are spending countless hours, over the internet, determining what these songs should be. That's organized, is that forced?

If you don't think we are going to be the one section of the stadium singing and chanting more often and more consistenly than all the rest then you are crazy. This is America most of the stadium will be casuals and casual with kids. They'll do things like "everybody clap your hands" and that's forced, that's boring.

Maybe you guys are right, being an ultra is "forced" or lame. Maybe you are annoyed with rigid organization and we won't have drums or capos. That's fine. But whether you like it or not we are going to sing the same songs often and consistently. It's going to get repetitive and that is just how it is no matter what "style" of supporter we are.

But I'll tell you what, we won't be English styled no matter how much some want to be English, we won't be European, hell, we won't even be American. We will be all of those things and none of those things at the same time because we will be what we are, New Yorkers.

We will be organized and that is not because of anything that I want but it's because of what, as a group, we've already displayed. And if you are truly having fun and enjoying what you are doing then nothing is forced.
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I think especially here in America AND for a brand new club we can't just say "let's let things happen organically" because there's no history.

NYCFC is not 5, 10, 20, 50, 100+ yrs old meaning we're not inheriting songs/chants etc. We're not inheriting a culture. We don't play in a soccer specific stadium and we won't be getting Yankees numbers.

WE have to set the tone. We have to make the casual fan who wants to check it out want to return regularly. For that we need to create an atmosphere that makes people go "Whoa! Those fans are really cool". If we have a group of fans singing loudly and passionately, more people are going to want to join in which after a couple seasons will create a great atmosphere.

If we're just quiet and sit there until someone gets inspiration out of the blue, it's going to suck and the casual fans will think "why should I care if the so-called die hard fans don't either?" We'll get the rep of being a dead Euro snob crowd.

We're not like Europe where soccer is number 1. We have to compete with Football, Basketball and Baseball who already have 2 teams each for the NYC area in addition to EDNJ.
Should songs come naturally? Maybe during the game. But here we are spending countless hours, over the internet, determining what these songs should be. That's organized, is that forced?

If you don't think we are going to be the one section of the stadium singing and chanting more often and more consistenly than all the rest then you are crazy. This is America most of the stadium will be casuals and casual with kids. They'll do things like "everybody clap your hands" and that's forced, that's boring.

Maybe you guys are right, being an ultra is "forced" or lame. Maybe you are annoyed with rigid organization and we won't have drums or capos. That's fine. But whether you like it or not we are going to sing the same songs often and consistently. It's going to get repetitive and that is just how it is no matter what "style" of supporter we are.

But I'll tell you what, we won't be English styled no matter how much some want to be English, we won't be European, hell, we won't even be American. We will be all of those things and none of those things at the same time because we will be what we are, New Yorkers.

We will be organized and that is not because of anything that I want but it's because of what, as a group, we've already displayed. And if you are truly having fun and enjoying what you are doing then nothing is forced.

No, no, no, no, you misunderstand completely. Can I have back that wrong end of the stick you have?

Of course there's going to be casuals, everybody has them.
Of course you have to find songs to sing, because this is something shiny and new. If you don't come up songs, who will? This is not "forced" this is organising something new for something new.
Every club in the PL has a bunch of songs that are always sung. The same at every match. They might get sung in a different order, some may get sung more than others are at a particular match. But they are always the same, until someone comes up with a new one, but then that gets added to the list.
English-style? Euro-style? Just find your own style and be comfortable with it.