Gerrard Rumored To The Red Bulls

How much could Gerrard command in salary if he signed with MLS as a DP (even with the new CBA coming up and Kaka on the books for $7 million USD)?

If his profile on Forbes is correct, then he's making $13 million USD this year at LIverpool. Would he take a pay cut if he signs an extension as a mid-30 year old or get paid the same?

That said, would MLS break the bank for Gerrard?
How much could Gerrard command in salary if he signed with MLS as a DP (even with the new CBA coming up and Kaka on the books for $7 million USD)?

If his profile on Forbes is correct, then he's making $13 million USD this year at LIverpool. Would he take a pay cut if he signs an extension as a mid-30 year old or get paid the same?

That said, would MLS break the bank for Gerrard?

They might pay a bunch, but break the bank would be harsh. Gerrard hasn't looked himself. Maybe a move to MLS to let him recover his confidence, lost in that slip, would get him back to form and enable him to be productive in MLS, but I'm not sure.
Would love it if he ended up at RBNY.

He can't command 13 Mil per year. He's worth more here than in Europe, but he is not worth 13 Mil.
Don't forget that could be the last season of Thierry Henri at NYRB ... That will give some marge for another DP
Even if I think too that Gerrard has more chance to go to Cosmos.
Agreed there is no way cosmos can afford him. They have no tv money and they certainly aren't making a ton of money from ticket sales and merchandise. Not enough to pay 2 high payed free agents.
Agreed there is no way cosmos can afford him. They have no tv money and they certainly aren't making a ton of money from ticket sales and merchandise. Not enough to pay 2 high payed free agents.
The Cosmos can't afford anything....they have so little revenue. What they do have is Saudi money, so they can sign whoever they want.