Giving People What They Want

Yea it can, I have heard drums and other stuff at Yankees games at the bleachers and things happen its a great time.
1) i dont think the yankees allow drums
2)there are no chants at yankee stadium other than (lets go yankees clap clap clap and _____ sucks)
1) i dont think the yankees allow drums
2)there are no chants at yankee stadium other than (lets go yankees clap clap clap and _____ sucks)
The bleacher creatures have drums and home made instruments all the time and use them to distract outfielders.
Lame... everyone knows South Korea is where it is at!

Seriously though, I am a fan of drums... its part of US soccer culture. I look forward to seeing how it develops in NYC.
the whole thing why we are straying away from drums is that it seems to create a "playlist" of chants. We don't want to sing the same setlist of songs in order every game. We decided in the beginning that we want our chants and songs to flow organically much to that as the clubs in england. That's not something you see here in the all. So we are trying that route. It also comes down to what the yankees high ups let us bring into the stadium as well. If you guys want drums and whatnot do you but 236/237 will be drum/horn/any other instrument free.

now on my own words (no reflection on the TR)... Its not fucking band practice, watch the games and focus less on making music at the game lol