Guess The Attendance - Hudson River Derby - Sunday, 5pm (closes Fri Noon)

We have another draw. Congrats. A Mug of Ale to you each should we ever meet.

Oh , but this Italian boy who waited this team by 20 years and that he doesn't wish a Cosmos return but a new team called NYCFC, maybe he is also right when saids that the NYCFC fans are too much pessimist about the actual attendances and above all the capacity of new soccer stadium.................
Sempre forza Blue !!!!! Fuck off NJRB !!!! You don't forget that likely there will be the presentation the Pirlo at YS..........

Oh , but this Italian boy who waited this team by 20 years and that he doesn't wish a Cosmos return but a new team called NYCFC, maybe he is also right when saids that the NYCFC fans are too much pessimist about the actual attendances and above all the capacity of new soccer stadium.................
Sempre forza Blue !!!!! Fuck off NJRB !!!!