I'm Kyle, a Man City fan, loosely followed the MLS since 1996, but lacked a proper interest as never felt any affinity to a specific club. With NYCFC announced last year it gave me the perfect opportunity to properly 'follow/support' an MLS side. Football(soccer) is my ultimate passion, and the chance to have an interest in a team in a different time zone and even a different footballing calendar, means I get to watch football all year round at all times of day
(Melbourne Heart joining this apparently growing 'City Family' has increased that scope further lol)
I'll always be a MCFC fan, no club would ever match the passion and love I have for them, thats something I was born with, inherited, in my blood! But with NYCFC having a 'link' to City I hope that I can still have a passion in watching them play and wanting them to do well(& although my interest in this club was sparked due to the MCFC link I love the idea of New York, one of the worlds greatest Cities, having its OWN team, a New York team for New Yorkers, but followed around the world) . Maybe even giving me a proper excuse to visit New York!
It's definitely very exciting seeing all the developments and I cannot wait to be staying up late to watch NYCFC from next year!
Quite a wordy introduction, sorry
I'm Kyle, a Man City fan, loosely followed the MLS since 1996, but lacked a proper interest as never felt any affinity to a specific club. With NYCFC announced last year it gave me the perfect opportunity to properly 'follow/support' an MLS side. Football(soccer) is my ultimate passion, and the chance to have an interest in a team in a different time zone and even a different footballing calendar, means I get to watch football all year round at all times of day

I'll always be a MCFC fan, no club would ever match the passion and love I have for them, thats something I was born with, inherited, in my blood! But with NYCFC having a 'link' to City I hope that I can still have a passion in watching them play and wanting them to do well(& although my interest in this club was sparked due to the MCFC link I love the idea of New York, one of the worlds greatest Cities, having its OWN team, a New York team for New Yorkers, but followed around the world) . Maybe even giving me a proper excuse to visit New York!
It's definitely very exciting seeing all the developments and I cannot wait to be staying up late to watch NYCFC from next year!
Quite a wordy introduction, sorry