Hello From... Philadelphia!?


Hello NYCFC Forums

My name is Matt and I'm 22 years old. I'm fairly close to the Philadelphia area. Why am I not a Union fan? I tried. I just can't cheer for Philadelphia sports. Just not in my blood... My father has been commuting to and from New York all his life and most of my family is from there. It only made sense to follow in their footsteps. I'm a huge fan of the New York Rangers and I plan to do my best to root for NYCFC.

I've played soccer my whole life so I've always had that passion. I can't really say besides the World Cup that I've ever cared for watching the sport. Until now... I've been to a couple Union games, I considered myself a supporter at one time. Went to a Red Bulls game twice in the last two years and I've enjoyed it. Considered myself as a RBNY supporter for a little after that. I just never really cared enough to be a true fan. But this feels different. Yankees Stadium, 5 Borough's, everything about this team so far is the epitome of what I feel is truly New York's team. I want to be apart of that. I can't quite be a Season Ticket holder, I'm too far for such a thing, but I really plan to watch all games and keep track of the team. I do have tickets to the Home Opener and am very excited for the start of this wonderful franchise.

I've been a big fan of Mix before he signed on. I've always respected guys like Villa and Lampard. It just makes alot of sense to follow this team. I think the MLS is going in the right direction and is on the rise, I want to be apart of that. To add to my newfound liking for the MLS, I got a buddy on the Seattle Sounders this season who I've played and graduated with that will be starting his rookie season this year.

Awesome Matt and welcome! It's funny when people ask me why you root for certain teams I always tell them it comes naturally. You can force rooting. It seems that is what happened with you and nyc fc. Same with me.