Ian Joy On Wynalda's Show Tonight


Seasoned Supporter
Apr 24, 2014
Poku being tempted by two Bundesliga teams and a Belgian team

Unhappy about the Kreis firing

Thinks that Kreis lost the respect of the stars on the team

Believes there was locker room unrest dating back to the Villa substitution we all growled about

Kreis was vocal about not wanting Pirlo and he was overruled

Thinks Vieira is a risk but one worth taking. Vieira was offered an EPL job but turned it down for this opportunity

If Vieira works out here, thinks he will be the next Man City manager
How much say does Poku have with forcing a transfer? I believe all initial MLS contracts are 4 years in length with an option year triggered by the league. So even if 3 euro teams want him, and he'd be tempted to go, I don't think he has a route to get the deal done if NYCFC doesn't want to complete the transfer. And considering his upside potential, hanging on to him for another year or two wouldn't be bad business for the product on the field and marketing.
How much say does Poku have with forcing a transfer? I believe all initial MLS contracts are 4 years in length with an option year triggered by the league. So even if 3 euro teams want him, and he'd be tempted to go, I don't think he has a route to get the deal done if NYCFC doesn't want to complete the transfer. And considering his upside potential, hanging on to him for another year or two wouldn't be bad business for the product on the field and marketing.
The issue is that NYCFC doesn't have much of a say. If the league office and the other owners want to sell Poku, he'll be sold out from under us. One of the things Kreis was supposed to manage, but his solution was to try to trade him to Philly before the league sold him.

I want Vieira and CFG to try kicking and screaming to keep him and make it a PR issue. We should be allowed to match any bona-fide transfer offer in the form of an investment in the league in order to retain our own players.
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The issue is that NYCFC doesn't have much of a say. If the league office and the other owners want to sell Poku, he'll be sold out from under us. One of the things Kreis was supposed to manage, but his solution was to try to trade him to Philly before the league sold him. I want Vieira and CFG to try kicking and screaming to keep him and make it a PR issue. We should be allowed to match any bona-fide transfer offer in the form of an investment in the league in order to retain our own players.
Not how it works.

No one is paying $100 million to allow other people to sell important assets right out from under them at will...

There are certain situations where MLS could step in and force a team to sell a player but in no way was Poku one of those situations.
Not how it works.

No one is paying $100 million to allow other people to sell important assets right out from under them at will...

There are certain situations where MLS could step in and force a team to sell a player but in no way was Poku one of those situations.

Can you elaborate? I don't know of any mechanism that would allow the team to overrule the league, when the player is signed with the league and not the player. Sincere question.
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I wouldn't blame Poku for leaving but I think with a new coach he gives it another go.
As far as the USMNT thing with Klinnsman the coach going to Europe would only benefit him.

Yeah, Poku, give Vieira a shot.
Also, Jurgen hates MLS, so there's that.

Jurgen: So, Poku, where do you play?
Poku: Well I really love NYCFC in MLS but I have some offers in Germany.
Jurgen: Yah, Germany, you should play there. Much better football, much better people.
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