Is Anyone Else Jealous...


Jan 26, 2015
That man city has spent soooooooooooo much money on players this offseason win they finished 2nd but couldn't even spend one big transfer fee for us? I know our dp slots are filled but they went the cheapest way possible on all of our dps! I like villa and pirlo but we should of cut lampard when he decided to stay at man city they should of spent big and maybe over spent(like they do for man city) to get us a big name player in his prime! Pisses me off...
That man city has spent soooooooooooo much money on players this offseason win they finished 2nd but couldn't even spend one big transfer fee for us? I know our dp slots are filled but they went the cheapest way possible on all of our dps! I like villa and pirlo but we should of cut lampard when he decided to stay at man city they should of spent big and maybe over spent(like they do for man city) to get us a big name player in his prime! Pisses me off...

Kreis: "Don't give me a DP in midseason, they don't work."
They give him 2 DPs and a whole bunch of other preseason-form Euros (please don't attack me about the truth, PC police)

Kreis: "Let's get a younger DP with our 3rd DP. A DP that can run and be here for years to come"
They give him Pirlo. I love Pirlo, I respect Pirlo, I thank him for being here but... you can see the problem.

God knows what else corporate is demanding as far as playing time, rosters, and formations.

They're not thinking of on the field results with these moves. Its really a toxic situation for all involved.
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A player you pay a transfer fee for needs to want to play here also. I would have preferred Giovinco or Dos Santos. But Gio was going to LA. Giovinco was a gamble.

The type of player you are asking for is someone like a Willian, Nasri, Mata type. Attacking player who isn't getting starting minutes at a top club.
Maybe I'm giving CFG too much credit but I think the lack of transfer fees is more about the MLS and CFG. I think the MLS strongly discourages or possibly even quietly bans teams from paying big transfer fees. The league doesn't want to set that precedent and because all players have contracts with the league and not the teams I bet they have more say than you think.
Maybe I'm giving CFG too much credit but I think the lack of transfer fees is more about the MLS and CFG. I think the MLS strongly discourages or possibly even quietly bans teams from paying big transfer fees. The league doesn't want to set that precedent and because all players have contracts with the league and not the teams I bet they have more say than you think.
I feel like that handicaps the growth of the league if that's the truth
I feel like that handicaps the growth of the league if that's the truth

I don't disagree but the MLS does. Their entire MLS strategy is based on parity. The question is what grows the league more, competitive games or star players? MLS has chosen competitive games. They won't allow deep pocketed teams to pay huge transfer fees when cheap owners in Chicago and Columbus won't pay more than a couple of million in DP salary and not use all their DP slots. I don't agree with the strategy and I think it will hurt growth at some point but I still think it's MLS that's limiting the transfer fees.
I don't disagree but the MLS does. Their entire MLS strategy is based on parity. The question is what grows the league more, competitive games or star players? MLS has chosen competitive games. They won't allow deep pocketed teams to pay huge transfer fees when cheap owners in Chicago and Columbus won't pay more than a couple of million in DP salary and not use all their DP slots. I don't agree with the strategy and I think it will hurt growth at some point but I still think it's MLS that's limiting the transfer fees.
I don't like it either but I think the strategy runs alittle deeper than that.

Ultimately, it is about parity but I think the plan is to lay a strong foundation for the league, first. Build up youth development, build up reserve squads, get soccer specific stadiums, keep costs low, where you can, to attract new investors. Get a true national league established. All of these things are still works-in-progress and if you want a strong league they must be addressed.

I think they see it as maximizing ROI at this stage and paying millions on top of a multimillion dollar salary is just not something they're ready to do at this juncture when they don't have to.

That said, multimillion dollar transfer fees have been paid before so who knows?:D

I would guess the league quietly asks owners not to engage in transfer fees but I think if an owner says "it's my money, get the hell out of the way." They wouldn't stop them, either. Just my take based on prior outcomes though.
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If there were no roster regulations in MLS such as DP spots, international spots, salary cap. I think we would have a star studded roster. Would they be a great team though? Most likely not.
I feel like having power teams would grow the brand though.. there are big spenders and cheap owners in every league in the world... I can't wait till there is in league transferring and a team can build with talent just around the league
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Americans didn't care for soccer as much back then as they do now
While interest in soccer is rising in North America, it hasn't reached the heights where it can compete with Euro soccer in terms of popularity and, to some extent, quality.

US club soccer can't compete with Euro soccer in terms of finances. The dollars just aren't there. There's a large segment of North American soccer fans who want US club soccer to be Euro club soccer. Same calendar, same structure with pro/rel, same finances. It won't work.

The Euro calendar won't work in North America. One need only look at MLS Cup a couple of years ago to realize that. If MLS, NASL and USL were one organization like the FA, you could begin to develop a system approaching Euro soccer with pro/rel. However, as long as they are competitors, it won't work.

Someone else has already pointed out that you still have cheap owners who won't do DPs. You still have teams folding in MLS; so the financial situation still isn't stable enough.

For now, as crappy as we all recognize MLS to be (in terms of rules and transparency), it's the best we can hope for now. Hopefully, those that care for North American soccer are watching the games and buying the products to generate the finances that helps US club soccer get better and better.
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MLS prevents us from spending more. And a player of your description won't accept a $6m payroll (if you're talking about someone like how Lampard was 10 years ago).

I figured I'd mention: the MLS was not created to have only a few rich teams or only a few teams got the world-class players, which is different than other leagues considering every other league in the world has those few rich teams. It was meant to be a league of equalness in team quality, so you wouldn't have teams like LA Galaxy winning the cup every other year. Hence why we still have the rules from the MLS's original foundation like salary caps, DP slots, etc.

I digressed a bit here but that's okay.
MLS prevents us from spending more. And a player of your description won't accept a $6m payroll (if you're talking about someone like how Lampard was 10 years ago).

I figured I'd mention: the MLS was not created to have only a few rich teams or only a few teams got the world-class players, which is different than other leagues considering every other league in the world has those few rich teams. It was meant to be a league of equalness in team quality, so you wouldn't have teams like LA Galaxy winning the cup every other year. Hence why we still have the rules from the MLS's original foundation like salary caps, DP slots, etc.

I digressed a bit here but that's okay.
Look I know mls rules handicaps some moves put giovinco makes 7m and dos santos makes 4m? Both player in their prime so at 6m we couldn't attract a top tier player in their prime? Not buying especially the chance to play in nyc