I'm going to have to surf around to see if I can find it, but I'm positive when MLS first announced back in 2013 that NYCFC was joining the league, Messing went on one of those douchebag "There's no need for a second team in NYC, because there isn't any authentic, organic, grassroots movement to get one" rants. He had no problems using the usual half assed references to Manchester City that you saw tossed all over the place back then.
He wasn't as pissed that we were going to do something the NJRB couldn't do in 20 years (get the city all hopped up on MLS), but were going to be the death knell for the Cosmos.
meh, couldn't find shit. But to be fair to Messing I did come across an article where he lets it be known he doesn't care for corporations owning teams, because it's not organic........but it was more a shot at Red Bull than MCFC.
Oh you mean the guy that works as an analyst for MSG during Red Bulls games and does color commentary for the Cosmo's network One World Sports is going to be bias against us?