I have to agree with much of the above. In the last 24 hours this forum has gained one new member, and this should be right in the middle of its boom period when it's only just been made public and should be drawing in new members in numbers. The number of posts we're making as a community is fine for the size, so there's all the signs of an active community to reassure potential joinees, but if this forum wants to survive and thrive then it probably needs at least 100 members, and as many over that as possible.
Considering that NYCFC aren't actually playing games right now, the news coming out of the club is understandably sporadic, and while the club are doing a good job of building hype via social media, this forum has a challenge to face to stay active until around November-December time when I'd estimate that the announcements and excitement will ramp up and become constant. It'll be a challenge maintaining that with only 35 registered members. Once the club starts playing games I doubt that creating and maintaining an active forum community will take much effort, but right now it's a different story.
Unfortunately I use social media only for reading opinions, not for spreading my own - I've tried to run a twitter campaign before and it didn't go so well, so I'm not really in a great position to give advise on this matter. That said, if I were to say one thing it's that I've noticed that the #nycfc hashtag is fairly active in general, and I've got no idea how many people actively read it but on the assumption that it's not just me, perhaps any attempts to advertise the forum should try including this?
Edit: one other thing - and it does pain me somewhat to say this. I've gathered that a lot of NYCFC fans on twitter and facebook are quite adamant that this club should resist having too strong ties to MCFC, and they don't want a MCFC-USA. They are probably right in that this club being too openly associated with Manchester City would drive away a lot of potential interest. I've noticed, however, that a high percentage of us here are MCFC fans ourselves. It might be advisable trying to consciously limit talk of Man City to the Premier League forum and the occasional thread about how the two clubs will work in tandem - otherwise we may gain a reputation for being a Manchester City forum about NYCFC, which would predictably reduce our incoming member count. I'm probably not helping with my avatar, but oh well. I kind of joined up thinking I'd be the token (Man) City fan, but it might have been a poor decision in retrospect.
I don't know though. I'm just throwing that out there. What do other people think?