Let's get our name out there!


Seasoned Supporter
Mar 19, 2014
Queens, NY
Just wanted to ask if we could all try and promote the forum on whichever social networking sites you may be a member of.

The SG is quite active on Twitter. They will certainly retweet to maximize exposure.

The more people we can get involved, the more we can guarantee success for the SG and the club.
How about we post a list of sites and members can take responsibility for one site. For instance somebody could volunteer to be primarily responsible for a Youtube account. I typed "nycfc" on there for the past week virtually nothing came up. Even if its just some music (Maybe "stay young" by Oasis or "the hands that built NY" by U2) and a pic of a meeting place its still advertising. There's already facebook of course but remember too much information isn't always a good thing. Information overload is often overlooked especially on the internet. Twitter its not so much of a problem but there's certainly too many sites out there. Join the biggest social sites then take it from there.

The club would give us more money too since we are all being secretly paid to do this :rolleyes:
Just wanted to ask if we could all try and promote the forum on whichever social networking sites you may be a member of.

The SG is quite active on Twitter. They will certainly retweet to maximize exposure.

The more people we can get involved, the more we can guarantee success for the SG and the club.

Thanks for all you're doing!
I really do appreciate all the help!
Will be needing staff soon, let me know if youre interested.
I have to agree with much of the above. In the last 24 hours this forum has gained one new member, and this should be right in the middle of its boom period when it's only just been made public and should be drawing in new members in numbers. The number of posts we're making as a community is fine for the size, so there's all the signs of an active community to reassure potential joinees, but if this forum wants to survive and thrive then it probably needs at least 100 members, and as many over that as possible.

Considering that NYCFC aren't actually playing games right now, the news coming out of the club is understandably sporadic, and while the club are doing a good job of building hype via social media, this forum has a challenge to face to stay active until around November-December time when I'd estimate that the announcements and excitement will ramp up and become constant. It'll be a challenge maintaining that with only 35 registered members. Once the club starts playing games I doubt that creating and maintaining an active forum community will take much effort, but right now it's a different story.

Unfortunately I use social media only for reading opinions, not for spreading my own - I've tried to run a twitter campaign before and it didn't go so well, so I'm not really in a great position to give advise on this matter. That said, if I were to say one thing it's that I've noticed that the #nycfc hashtag is fairly active in general, and I've got no idea how many people actively read it but on the assumption that it's not just me, perhaps any attempts to advertise the forum should try including this?

Edit: one other thing - and it does pain me somewhat to say this. I've gathered that a lot of NYCFC fans on twitter and facebook are quite adamant that this club should resist having too strong ties to MCFC, and they don't want a MCFC-USA. They are probably right in that this club being too openly associated with Manchester City would drive away a lot of potential interest. I've noticed, however, that a high percentage of us here are MCFC fans ourselves. It might be advisable trying to consciously limit talk of Man City to the Premier League forum and the occasional thread about how the two clubs will work in tandem - otherwise we may gain a reputation for being a Manchester City forum about NYCFC, which would predictably reduce our incoming member count. I'm probably not helping with my avatar, but oh well. I kind of joined up thinking I'd be the token (Man) City fan, but it might have been a poor decision in retrospect.

I don't know though. I'm just throwing that out there. What do other people think?
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I have to agree with much of the above. In the last 24 hours this forum has gained one new member, and this should be right in the middle of its boom period when it's only just been made public and should be drawing in new members in numbers. The number of posts we're making as a community is fine for the size, so there's all the signs of an active community to reassure potential joinees, but if this forum wants to survive and thrive then it probably needs at least 100 members, and as many over that as possible.

Considering that NYCFC aren't actually playing games right now, the news coming out of the club is understandably sporadic, and while the club are doing a good job of building hype via social media, this forum has a challenge to face to stay active until around November-December time when I'd estimate that the announcements and excitement will ramp up and become constant. It'll be a challenge maintaining that with only 35 registered members. Once the club starts playing games I doubt that creating and maintaining an active forum community will take much effort, but right now it's a different story.

Unfortunately I use social media only for reading opinions, not for spreading my own - I've tried to run a twitter campaign before and it didn't go so well, so I'm not really in a great position to give advise on this matter. That said, if I were to say one thing it's that I've noticed that the #nycfc hashtag is fairly active in general, and I've got no idea how many people actively read it but on the assumption that it's not just me, perhaps any attempts to advertise the forum should try including this?

Edit: one other thing - and it does pain me somewhat to say this. I've gathered that a lot of NYCFC fans on twitter and facebook are quite adamant that this club should resist having too strong ties to MCFC, and they don't want a MCFC-USA. They are probably right in that this club being too openly associated with Manchester City would drive away a lot of potential interest. I've noticed, however, that a high percentage of us here are MCFC fans ourselves. It might be advisable trying to consciously limit talk of Man City to the Premier League forum and the occasional thread about how the two clubs will work in tandem - otherwise we may gain a reputation for being a Manchester City forum about NYCFC, which would predictably reduce our incoming member count. I'm probably not helping with my avatar, but oh well. I kind of joined up thinking I'd be the token (Man) City fan, but it might have been a poor decision in retrospect.

I don't know though. I'm just throwing that out there. What do other people think?

I agree with you on all points. Now is the perfect time to start building. We have a full season to "get to know each other" and actually build a solid SG.

I think we should embrace ManC's popularity. They are a near endless well of potential MLS and NYCFC supporters. I say MLS first because we need more than just a solid team base. It's due time that the MLS should be taken seriously on the world soccer stage. If you have the respect of Manchester City and it's fan base then it will eventually lead to other non-City fans taking an interest in American Soccer.

It's important that NYCFC be seen more as it's own entity rather than ManC's sister team. It's ultimately up to us as the SG to make that distinction though. Let this be a homegrown team.
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Unfortunately the reason we didn't kick off as strong is Twitter hasn't proven to be the greatest source of member influx.
einwindir einwindir Has worked wonders via Reddit. Regardless, however the members come it's important we get as many supporters here as possible and build a strong community!
Also, I'm totally fine with a MCFC references. I am an MCFC supporter myself!
A lot of people were brought here by MCFC who live outside of NYC and every supporter will be important to the growth and success of this club.
My guess is that in order to keep content flowing, the forums will have to be a lot of "NYCFC fans talking about soccer" rather than "NYCFC fans talking about NYCFC" until the fall. Maybe that means more focus on having discussions while we're all watching soccer, whether it's midweek EPL or UCL games or MLS/EPL/La Liga games on the weekend.

As far as MCFC goes, I'm City too, but I don't think NYCFC can survive with only City fans filling the seats. As long as everyone on here doesn't equate not being a MCFC fan with not being a "true" NYCFC, that'll be fine. Hopefully the local SG will make strides with communicating with the NYC chapters of other EPL & other league teams to bring them into the fold. NYCFC seems to have done this a bit already by going to local NYC bars during UCL matches to promote the club.
Yeah I definitely agree with you there. It does seem that a lot of people may be reluctant to post in other sections of the site or post new threads in general.
If you have something on your mind feel free to post it!
Well there's still no non-football board. I still like my "warzone" idea but simply non-football board would work for now if that isn't used. Or another name that might be suggested.

Also would people prefer to have less threads on same topics and keep specific things to one or two topics? It wouldn't essentially create less debate and mean less threads overall it just tidies things up a bit. To use an easy example what do people want for game threads next year (especially away ones) either one topic or twenty different topics talking about the same thing? Or another example how about one thread about the new stadium and another about temporary stadium?
Well there's still no non-football board. I still like my "warzone" idea but simply non-football board would work for now if that isn't used. Or another name that might be suggested.

Also would people prefer to have less threads on same topics and keep specific things to one or two topics? It wouldn't essentially create less debate and mean less threads overall it just tidies things up a bit. To use an easy example what do people want for game threads next year (especially away ones) either one topic or twenty different topics talking about the same thing? Or another example how about one thread about the new stadium and another about temporary stadium?
To address your first point, I think "Off-Topic" would be the best name for such a board.

To address the second, I don't think anybody should regulate or decide how many threads are made for each topic. Let the members post what they want, and however that works out is fine. You don't need moderators going around combining or separating threads to keep within a certain guideline, certainly not at this point with 75 members or so.
I can agree with Vinjay with the topic of having less threads. I find that there are too many subthreads for the amount of active users. I feel this size would be good with more members, but some threads are almost dead because nobody is posting in them. Other than that, great job Staff. I wouldn't mind more polls in a thread to ask for changes and/or suggestions for the site.
There is a general discussion board. Right under introductions. It's called Chit Chat
As far as a lot of threads are concerned more than half are introductions. If you ask me there aren't a lot of threads at all. 28 threads, not counting introductions to over 400 posts.
With forums, threads die and fall to the bottom, while active ones rise to the top. So that doesn't bother me at all.

I changed the Chit-Chat forum to off-Topic.
As a non MCFC fan but a die hard West Ham United fan it does not bother me for the MCFC connection however I agree that we as a sg should be careful not to get to dragged being overly associated with MCFC and build our own identity.
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