Looking Back At 2015 Inaugural Season


Beers, Banter, Footy.
Elite Donor
May 19, 2014
As the season nears a close and we hang on to a glimmer of hope for a post season, what are some of your favorite memories/moments while supporting NYCFC?

For me:

Getting the BXFSC off the ground and building a solid group of people to spend time with on match day in Yankee Tavern and Section 234

Home Opener - what a blast! got followed by a film crew and ultimately footage was shown on the big screen; the air was electric for that blustery day as we began this wild ride

Meeting all the various supporters: Hearts of Oak, Brown Bag, Third Rail

Pregame with HoO at Yankee Bar & Grill prior to last home match against Toronto

Meeting and partying with Houston supporters before that game

Philly Bus 2 for the second road game

I've had a great time and ultimately the season has lived up to expectation off the field and waned a bit on the field. If the last game in Vancouver is any indication of what this team can do when it's "on", great things await in 2016.
For me this year has been one of my favorite seasons to follow MLS and one of my favorite seasons because I truly love NYCFC. I have never felt this strong about another soccer team ever in my life. The best part for me was to attend that first game in Orlando with my Dad and brother. The only thing that could have made it better would have been us holding to that 1-0 lead to claim 3 points. The other best moments come when NYCFC plays, I get together with my Dad and we watch the games together, we don't miss one second of it.

The other great memory was the first game vs St. Mirren. I was so jacked when we scored in that game, I knew this team was in my heart, even though it was pre-season. I really can't state this enough. I can't wait for next year!!!!!
Getting in the routine of going to games, seeing the same faces in the stadium, etc. Just a cool feeling to have a team be such a regular part of life. I've watched sports my whole life, keep up with games on TV but I've never gone so frequently in person, aside from my college's basketball team for a couple years while I was in school.

I've been a New York Giants fan since I was about five years old. I've mostly lived within a short drive to Giants Stadium. I'm 30 now and I've been to more NYCFC games in person (18) than Giants games already.

You get a different feel for a team in person. You can pick up on things that don't come across on TV. Watch players warm up, interact, watch the coaches respond to what's happening from the bench. It's awesome.

Away games are great as well. I went to both away games at Red Bulls, which were awesome despite the results. I'd like to attend every NYCFC-RBNY match in person for as long as I can, which shouldn't be too hard as long as I live in the area.

I also went away to Toronto which was awesome, especially because they won. Next year I'm going to make more of an effort to get to other reasonably close away games. DC and Philly at the top of the list.
Great prompt.

I'm pretty sure that everybody I know thinks that my obsession with this team is a problem. They tiptoe around the issue as one might around a loved one's mental illness. They're taken aback by the force of my elation when we perform well and the depth of my desolation when we're abject. But every time I go to a game I look around and see thousands of people with the same problem.

My most memorable moments are fan moments. Opening day, Pirlo's debut, I Love Lamp, Khiry's stoppage time equalizer against Chicago. That last one felt like a watershed. I might have shed a little water.

I think I took to the club so quickly because I took the city so quickly, and in moments when I think of leaving the city, my first thought is the fear of being far away from the club. I fully imagine myself as an old codger in the quiet part of whatever soccer-specific stadium we end up in, thirty years from now, thinking about this first season and clutching tightly to my tattered Inaugural Season scarf, probably getting overly emotional as I am now.
- Meeting so many people that I enjoy hanging out with and watching soccer. I literally have no soccer friends outside the people I've met as an NYCFC fan.

- The energy in the stadium at the home opener. It was a realization that 40,000 people legitimately felt passionate about this club before it even played a game.

-Piggy backing No. 1, dragging some friends/family who don't know a lick about soccer to games and turning them into fans of the experience at the very least

- The first Red Bulls away game. Just feeling that rivalry for the first time outside the stadium.

-The first Philly away game... Missing the bus and deciding to just drive down myself and picked up a random guy on the way in NJ (Christian). First away day even though I didn't get to bus it.
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Punking chumps on the message board. And that shitty kid and his British father who were wearing scum shirts and actively rooting against "Cit-eh" in the most annoying way possible, ie, not for the other team, just against us.