Mitchell Here


Mar 21, 2014
Hey all, my name is Mitchell and I am a NYCFC supporter living in the American Southeast. I've been a life long New York sports fan, cheering for the Giants, Rangers, Knicks, and Yankees for as long as I can remember. I got into soccer during the build up tot he 2010 World Cup. It was then where I began to support Manchester City. I'm a huge fan of bands from Manchester such as the Happy Mondays, Joy Division/New Order, and the Smiths. Manchester United was probably the most popular team in the US then, so I thought it would be fun to be subversive at support City. I held off on cheering for theRed Bulls in MLS, because I didn't like the idea of the idea of the energy drink being the identity of the team. Not that I mind it in MLS, I just didn't think it was for me. However, I found it difficult to enjoy watching MLS without a rooting interest and I really wanted to support my domestic league. In the 2012 seasonI bit the bullet and spent a year cheering for NYRB, but when I heard that the Yankees and MCFC were going to be the owners of the 20th franchisee, I thought it was a sign from above, so I renounced my Red Bull fandom and have been following all the NYCFC Twitter accounts and Facebook pages in the build up. Even though I am a huge Manchester City fan, the most important thing for this club is to have its own identity. I hope we are able to draw in fans who support various European clubs. I hope people will see this as a team owned by City Football Group, not a team owned by Manchester City. Looking forward to getting to know you all and preaching the gospel of NYCFC down south.
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Fight the good fight!

Where in the SE are you from? I actually lived down there for a couple years. Coastal South Carolina to be a little more exact.

I'm still a fan of RB, wear it with honor! They are the home team (for now) and they put on a good show. Although Henry's antic are starting to be a little much...the whole Cameraman Celebration came off a bit contrived.
einwindir, I'm from Mobile Alabama, about an hour away from the Gulf of Mexico. I understand still being a RB fan, I just stopped caring about them because I really didn't want to support them in the first place if you know what I mean. I have my MLS fantasy team to keep me invested until 2015.