
As I mentioned, any player that's refused a call-up under Klinnsman has been effectively banished. Happened to Donovan & Timmy Chandler; Chandler turned down a call-up in 2012 and didn't get another until 2013 and played sporadically afterwards. I feel like there was one or two more that I'm blanking on. JK can be vindictive.

A niggling injury is almost worse because if Mix was to play immediately after, then it'd be apparent it was all a ruse.
1000% true. Easy for many to say "refuse a call up" but reality is he can't.
It's going to need a hashtag or an acronym (or better yer a #acronym) to get any traction.
We need 1,000 people in the stadium with his photo on a bright yellow sheet of paper to hold it up every time he makes a tackle. Or maybe just his number as that'd be easier.
We need 1,000 people in the stadium with his photo on a bright yellow sheet of paper to hold it up every time he makes a tackle. Or maybe just his number as that'd be easier.
Could make a song for him based on Follow The Yellow Brick Road, entitled Issue The Yellow Card Now.

Granted, it'd probably be better to use against the ref when there's a justified card that wasn't called. roxfontaine - how about it, get some musicy TR folk on it - it could be a really catchy song that the entire stadium could sing, or at least know the tune, and would make a mark in he league as original.

-edit- here it is:

Issue the yellow card now
Issue the yellow card now
Issue, issue, issue, issue, issue the yellow card now
The tackle was ugly it was, it was, it was
Issue the yellow card now
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BAck to Mix, I have a challenge:

Find an article, anywhere, that critiques the current USMNT 40-Man roster that does not suggest we should have replaced Mix with Kljestan. Bonus if it also fails to suggest Brek Shea should be on the roster.
BAck to Mix, I have a challenge:

Find an article, anywhere, that critiques the current USMNT 40-Man roster that does not suggest we should have replaced Mix with Kljestan. Bonus if it also fails to suggest Brek Shea should be on the roster.
Kljestan plays well for his club, here and when in Belgium, but his game is not suited for the international level - he can't hold onto the ball - like ever. I've never seen a more inept player get so many chances and not do anything with them on the MNT. But for some reason he shines in club play.
Klejstan would honestly be a better fit here than Mix. And I like Mix. He just doesn't fit on a team with Pirlo.

Brek Shea would fit here better under PV. He would play his natural LW. I don't understand the infatuation with playing him as a LB. He's serviceable there.
This may be totally true. But, Pirlo will only give us this year and possibly next. Mix could give us 10 years. And to have Mix play next to and learn from someone like Pirlo may be the greatest benefit we can get from the maestro.

I'd like to keep them both.
Mix is going to be 26, I shudder to think about him 10 years from now.