There, I've said something nice. Now,
Four players who started on opening day last year are gone (3 for good and 1 injured since last summer). Yet
everyone who started today was on the roster last year. I go back and forth on whether I think our rebuild is a disaster or just a crazy set of circumstances for which you cannot blame our front office. But how TF do you lose 4 Opening Day starters
and obtain ZERO, NONE, ZIP, NADA new replacements ready to play for ANY of them more than a year later?!?!?!
We had one freaking offensive bench option.
ONE. And people think we should trade Taty now because
it's best, in the long run. Players will want to play here.
EVERYONE, knew Gudi was sub par. So we signed not one but 2 new left backs, and apparently neither one was a better option today. We signed Amundsen more than two
GORAM months ago. Was there really not a single LB in the
who could have gotten here on time to, you know, play maybe 10 minutes of preseason and be in shape for our first game? Malte was the only option? And we just let him do whatever TF he wanted* for 2 months instead of, you know, his
JOB! Just like when Lamp fat ass
took a motherflipping honeymoon in the middle of 2015, when he was already
6 months late.
Because letting players make their own schedule and take 2 months off before joining the team helps recruiting in the long run. Which would sound somewhat slightly less ridiculous if the club showed any intent of signing players to replace the
FOUR players not available from Game One last year
And by the way, we still have no backup 10.
WTF did Ian keep talking about tired legs? It's Game Bloody One
AND THEY'RE TIRED? Then late in the game when the result is clear he says Deila and the team clearly have a lot of work to do on the training ground but there's plenty of time to get it right.
JFC the
entire starting eleven and the coach have been together for more than 12 months
how much TIME do they need?
And what's up with people dying their hair grey? On both teams!?!?!?!?
* Don't even come at me with this pandemic visa complication BS. Nobody else in MLS needed 2 full months to get clearance. Malte wanted 2 months off and we gave it to him so Thor could pass backwards and be slow.