I now understand why Martinez won MVP a few years back.
A few comments from the game, kinda in paragraph form, kinda not:
I didn't like the lineup, but Deila proved me wrong. I thought the kids played very well today. Tayvon wasn't getting smoked, Sands didn't have a bad game, Jasson did some nice defensive work... I'm just annoyed that Sands had some really beautiful runs through the middle of the field and then when he was looking likely to stick a nice through ball somewhere, you could see he lacked that confidence... and then would turn sideways or backwards and pass it. That's the difference between world class and "meh" - If you can get that going, James, you're in for an amazing career.
I'm kinda annoyed he didn't bring on any of the new attacking fire power, but I understand the resting of players. I just... meh. Wanted to see the new guys in action live. Johnson live was nice, he made some good saves today (like there were many to make in the first place...)
.... Finally, if I ever decide to buy a ticket to a mid-week game at RB Arena and I'm not working in Manhattan that day, someone please talk me out of it. Got stuck in traffic on both ways making both legs of the trip close to 2 hours each. Plus parking there, don't even get me started.