NYCFC v Orlando Postmatch


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Ran into him at Hunter College like 4-5 years ago.

Awesome. I watched a Florida vs. Tennessee football game with him at the Gin Mill (UF sports bar) in 2006. He was home from school for the weekend. Great guy. Everyone loved him, and he loved everybody - he literally managed to spend time with every person there (and there were a couple hundred easy).
I love Noah.

Ran into him at Hunter College like 4-5 years ago.

Awesome. I watched a Florida vs. Tennessee football game with him at the Gin Mill (UF sports bar) in 2006. He was home from school for the weekend. Great guy. Everyone loved him, and he loved everybody - he literally managed to spend time with every person there (and there were a couple hundred easy).

He went to Poly Prep. My high school basketball coach played against him when they were both in high school.

I saw him play on TV... While at U of F...... and on the Bulls....
Sorry, I just felt left out and needed to add something!!! ;););)
We should make an informal pre-game and/or halftime meet spot for Forums folks to grab a quick drink or a hello, which sounds like it may actually already be in the BE area. I'm always at games embarrassingly early to grab a beer and watch warm-ups and would love to say hey to the Forums crew.

Halftime goes so fast that and depending of the score , we may be to focused on the game to socialize, in addition Pesky YS security do not let people from different sections mingle together on some one else section.

I like to get 2 hours before the game to get on the mood to party and cheer our team.

Meeting after to celebrate or cry on each other shoulders sounds good too. This season in May/June 3, the home games are early which gives time to plan for a before meet-up or after game meet-up
What do Tom in Fairfield CT ,S1ARK5 , Midas Mulligan , @mgarbowski,CatNYC have n mind and anyone else interested in joining? I can check a nice location. the bad thing most of those bars have blaring music is impossible to converse.
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Another fun thing. Go back and take a look at our thread from after our third game last season. Here are a few fun quotes:

Disclaimer: If any of these quotes are embarrassing in retrospect, I can only assure everyone involved that had I been active on the forum at the time I would have said crazier stuff than this.

My alter ego was not aware that I am capable of writing such profound thoughts. LOL
Where is the thread?
Halftime goes so fast that and depending of the score , we may be to focused on the game to socialize, in addition Pesky YS security do not let people from different sections mingle together on some one else section.

I like to get 2 hours before the game to get on the mood to party and cheer our team.

Meeting after to celebrate or cry on each other shoulders sounds good too. This season in May/June 3, the home games are early which gives time to plan for a before meet-up or after game meet-up
What do Tom in Fairfield CT ,S1ARK5 , Midas Mulligan , @mgarbowski,CatNYC have n mind and anyone else interested in joining? I can check a nice location. the bad thing most of those bars have blaring music is impossible to converse.

Count me in as well. As it stands, I get a beer (from the excellent crew up by 211 that have pour hands from the gods) and just pray the kid in front of me doesn't accidentally dip his jacket into it.