Orlando Shitty

After I responded to their sad turkey head tweet, they followed me. I was pretty certain they only did so to get me to follow back. As a test, I did, and sure enough less than 24 hours later they unfollowed me. That's a standard bush league twitter move to build up a follower count and a cheat to a high followed-to-following ratio. Kame on wheels.
I went to one of their games at Disney this year. Their supporter groups DEFINITELY thing they're ultras.
they also took a shot at Miami with a #BuiltNotBought hashtag - this after they paid over 3x as much for their expansion spot as Beckham did for Miami.

Moral of the story: the OCSC twitter account is run by a moron
Btw should we expect "disturbances" during the charleston game vs them? I just read there was an incident between them and the Tampa fans a few months ago?

I remember when this all went down - was following TB Rowdies twitter and they said the stadium was briefly set on fire. Also other people were saying some Orlando fan punched a kid..it was just a really weird story

Edit: quotes from OCSC facebook https://www.facebook.com/OrlandoCit...1880902442/747648685293422/?type=3&permPage=1:
  • Chett KubikThe cops were there 20+ cars showed up. They were making OC fans leave early. I'm really disappointed that it went down like that. The young teenager was trying to stop the OC fan from fighting and the grown man swung on him. Luckily a cop was there to grab the man. I like OC but the fans there should be ashamed. They instigated it all throwing smoke bombs and spitting on Rowdie fans. So unless you were there stop all your assuming on here. It was ugly.
    Like · Reply · 8 · July 6 at 8:18pm

    • Jacob Letzring
      Yeah I was there cheering on OC but our fans got way out of hand. I was embarrassed by how we purposefully went over to there section to start something. Chanting is fine but once you try to start something you've crossed the line.
      Like · 13 · July 6 at 8:26pm
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they also took a shot at Miami with a #BuiltNotBought hashtag - this after they paid over 3x as much for their expansion spot as Beckham did for Miami.

Moral of the story: the OCSC twitter account is run by a moron

I thought that was directed at us.