Our Rivals...


Oct 31, 2014
Orlando wants to be our rival badly and that is cute, but me I want us to rival the other Northeast teams and bring the Full I-95 rivalry to MLS. The Northwest has the Cascadia Cup with there 3 teams the 4 team I-95 rivalry Between New York City, New Jersey's Red bulls, New England Revolution and the Philadelphia Union could eclipse that because they are 4 big market teams. But what do you think who do you want and lets call them out.
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It will be RB, Revs. It will happen, no need to call them out or w.e. I love the fact that our twitter page isn't even acknowledging this garbage. Just beat them and move on.
Orlando wants to be our rival badly and that is cute, but me I want us to rival the other Northeast teams and bring the Full I-90 rivalry to MLS. The Northwest has the Cascadia Cup with there 3 teams the 4 team I-90 rivalry Between New York City, New Jersey's Red bulls, New England Revolution and the Philadelphia Union could eclipse that because they are 4 big market teams. But what do you think who do you want and lets call them out.

Orlando wants to be our rival badly and that is cute, but me I want us to rival the other Northeast teams and bring the Full I-95 rivalry to MLS. The Northwest has the Cascadia Cup with there 3 teams the 4 team I-95 rivalry Between New York City, New Jersey's Red bulls, New England Revolution and the Philadelphia Union could eclipse that because they are 4 big market teams. But what do you think who do you want and lets call them out.
Agreed. Our natural rivals are easily within three hours at most by train and there are plenty of them.

The only non-regional rivalry I want is LA because well...I HATE LA!!!! LOL.
Yes, Seattle...and Portland and Vancouver just to let those supporters know how we do it in NYC. :cool:
Pretty sure this idea of a rivalry between NYCFC and OCSC will die quickly after the season starts. All we have in common is that we're both expansion teams in the same year. Rivalries are better when the fans can travel to away games.
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The only enduring rivalries i can see are the Northeast cities,philly is only an 2 hour bus ride and dc and boston 4 hours
Orlando wants to be our rival badly and that is cute, but me I want us to rival the other Northeast teams and bring the Full I-95 rivalry to MLS. The Northwest has the Cascadia Cup with there 3 teams the 4 team I-95 rivalry Between New York City, New Jersey's Red bulls, New England Revolution and the Philadelphia Union could eclipse that because they are 4 big market teams. But what do you think who do you want and lets call them out.

The World!
Red Bulls are the only obvious rival at this point. The rest will play itself out, it takes time. Rivalries are developed through experience. NYCFC will play big/controversial/contentious games against certain teams, and after enough of those encounters it just happens.

Revolution, DC and Philly are obvious candidates because of their proximity to NYC, but that isn't the only consideration. Teams have to be good simultaneously and fighting for something, personalities have to clash. It could just as easily be Orlando, Columbus, Toronto, anyone really. Some of the great historical rivalries in American sports aren't exactly regional - Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers, Washington Redskins and Dallas Cowboys, etc.

Right now I think the Red Bulls are the only sure thing. The rest is a mystery.
You never know what can happen in the first few years. If there's continual big games against certain clubs it might be that it causes a lasting impression. Especially if its somewhere like LA being another gigantic city or Seattle with the biggest attendances in the MLS. I suppose you would have to put RB at the moment (provisionally) but there's still something ridiculous about feuding with an energy drink. I'm not really bothered who it is (as long as its not an obsessive, utter embarrassing, hypocritical joke) I'll never come close to hating anyone more than Man United anyway. Which might be a healthy thing since one good thing about MLS right now is I don't really hate anyone.

Anyway lets comment on the club that's trying to force the situation. For me the idea of New York feuding with a "rival" from Disneyland does sound a bit ridiculous and not very New York like. I don't think House of Mouse are going to be a small club, market, whatever you call it but expansion is not a legitimate reason. That's is simply their entire premise for their constant digs on the official account and by their wannabe comedian manager. The only way I can see them really being acknowledged as a rival is if they contend in the playoffs regularly in first few years. Even then it might take several years but look at the London clubs for instance. Arsenal ranked Man United ahead of Tottenham at one stage and some of them probably still do. Rivalries/hatred can be entirely one way but there's usually far more solid reasons behind it.

Alternatively it might anger them more just to completely ignore them. Saw one of their fans yesterday insisting it was a "rivalry" like it was fact. That was followed up completely ignoring the fact rhat NYCFC came close to a stadium deal before the administration change. I'm not wasting my time arguing with ignorant people (mainly why I never talk to United fans) and I don't do "banter".

I fully believe the asinine decision (to let the other expansion side who have already played in previous setups play at home first while NYCFC have to play away) by MLS is because they know its not as big a deal for New York. Not in the sense that the first game isn't a big deal but for NYCFC the opponent is nowhere near as important. All NYCFC will care about first and foremost is winning the first game. If House of Mouse want to try and make it more of a grudge its their business.
Summed up exactly how I feel about it. Going back and forth with their fans for the sake of "banter" is the quickest way to make it about Orlando and not the fact that they're just one of 19 other teams we're going to compete against. Every time you respond to some corny built not bought man city jr shot, you're fueling the fire. Keep on ignoring them. That's even more insulting than responding back.