I am a big fan of Podcasts. I listen to them all day at work. I don't think I will be good "on air", but I will most definitely listen!
We need something to talk about on the podcast first!

If we could somehow get people from the club on for interviews and to discuss future, that would be ideal.
@Buckley @lawson

I actually have a sports talk radio show for two hours every Sunday on WFAS AM in Westchester County. I also have a non-sports podcast that I record every Friday (general mens interest for 20-30 somethings).

Anyway, I'm experienced on-air, I can potentially get an hour of actual air time (also air live on wfasam.com), and I potentially have a studio to record a podcast in for up to four people.

Let me know if any of this interests you guys.
@lawson Im working on getting there at least for a couple hours like 6-8, but its not looking promising right now. I got on board too late. I'm going to make the May 17th meeting 99% though.
Alright well either way we'll get the ball rolling. Definitely something we need to set up!!
I am definitely looking forward to this! I'd like this to have at least a partial call-in format so some fans (like myself) can check in from time to time. This takes some of the pressure off the host(s) and adds some more perspective! I can help promoting the show.
@413Blue without a doubt. Even if I do host it, I'm not the best soccer mind in here by a long shot. Probably not within the Top 100. I'd be more of the facilitator type of host with my thoughts mixed in and hopefully player/coaches/FO interviews. Definitely call-ins with other supporters though another host or two that are very knowledgable.

@lawson we forgot to talk about this last night LOL. My job is in New Jersey. Let's meet up for a beer and chat one day during the week or something either early next week or when I'm back from Florida (May 1st-May 5th)
@413Blue without a doubt. Even if I do host it, I'm not the best soccer mind in here by a long shot. Probably not within the Top 100. I'd be more of the facilitator type of host with my thoughts mixed in and hopefully player/coaches/FO interviews. Definitely call-ins with other supporters though another host or two that are very knowledgable.

@lawson we forgot to talk about this last night LOL. My job is in New Jersey. Let's meet up for a beer and chat one day during the week or something either early next week or when I'm back from Florida (May 1st-May 5th)

Absolutely. Message me on FB with any dates you are free