Poku Sold?

Kwadwo Poku ‏@Poku 3h3 hours ago

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to @NYCFC and most importantly, the fans in NYC. You made it a pleasure to play in New York.
Not sure what that means. Are you saying that if he got his player, things would have been different?

Possibly. We could have kept the 4-4-2 diamond and Kreis wouldn't have had to flex the managing muscles he didn't have. There were still plenty of issues with the roster last year, but it would have helped.

But it's more than just on-field. The Pirlo signing (over someone like Uribe that Kreis wanted) revealed the power struggle behind the scenes and was one of the biggest nails in Kreis' coffin - soon after there were rumors that he didn't have the support of the veteran DPs and it was all but over for him then.
To be fair to Kreis, this is who he wanted instead of Pirlo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_Uribe

Kreis lost the power struggle. He didn't have final say, and he wasn't adaptable enough to deal with it.
That may have been the guy he wanted as a DP, but there was still no Plan B for another target forward. Reality was he was told he couldn't have his A-list guy, so instead of providing a group of B-list target men that are cheaper than a DP, he threw his hands up and said we'll change formations and use guys out of position.

Im getting completely off topic now, but my point was that Kreis turned the discussion into not getting the players he wanted, which resulted in changing formations, which forced Mix being played out of position. Kreis was stubborn and he stunted Mix's growth.
Possibly. We could have kept the 4-4-2 diamond and Kreis wouldn't have had to flex the managing muscles he didn't have. There were still plenty of issues with the roster last year, but it would have helped.

But it's more than just on-field. The Pirlo signing (over someone like Uribe that Kreis wanted) revealed the power struggle behind the scenes and was one of the biggest nails in Kreis' coffin - soon after there were rumors that he didn't have the support of the veteran DPs and it was all but over for him then.

Uribe is ok, too small for my taste as a target man, not sure he would have done that much better than Mullins for 1/2 the year on a first year team.
Kreis could have played a 4-3-3 last year. He chose not to. Remember that we didn't get Pirlo and Lampard on the field together until late July - and even then, Lampard missed considerable time.

He also could have played Patrick Mullins as a target man but chose not to. Instead, Grabavoy and Jacobsen were played.

He deserved to lose his job.
No, TAM only applies when the players original salary is above the maximum salary threshold for that year. ($457,500 is 2015). The only player that fits that is Mix, and at $761,250, that means that we must have uses a little over $300,000 in TAM for him this year. Each team was given $800,000 in TAM to start and $100,000 every year after for the next 5 years (though we could have traded for more TAM). Based on that, we have $750,000 in TAM left if we sell/trade Mix (I'm pro-rating 2016's $300,000) $800,000 + $100,000 - ($300,000/2). Moreover, any new player we sign and use TAM for can't originally earn more the $1,000,000 to qualify unless he starts as a DP and we buy him down. Since we don't have an open DP spot, that's not an option at the moment.

PS, reading this I think I have to make some adjustments to my cap analysis, changing Mix's cap hit and tracking TAM remaining.

There are a couple things that you have said that are incorrect about TAM.

1) For Mata and Brillant, MLS includes transfer fees along with salary when figuring in budget charges. While their salary is not over the maximum salary charge, including their transfer fee does put them over the threshold. This was detailed in the club press releases when we signed each player.

TAM Used for Brillant: http://www.nycfc.com/post/2016/01/28/fr-d-ric-brillant-joins-new-york-city-fc
TAM Used for Mata: http://www.nycfc.com/post/2016/01/20/ronald-matarrita-joins-new-york-city-fc

2) In the roster rules and regs (http://pressbox.mlssoccer.com/content/roster-rules-and-regulations), there are four listed uses for TAM. It very specifically only provides provisions for buying down DPs AND a team can only buy down a DP if they replace that DP will a new DP of equal or greater value. It says nothing about being able to buy down players over the max budget charge that are not DPs. We are not able to use TAM to buy down Pirlo, Lampard, and Villa because they make too much money. This was also told to NotAlexis last year by Kreis (http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?threads/kreis-we-cant-use-tam-because-our-dps-make-too-much.3508/). Since Mix is not a DP and we have all three DP slots full, we can't use TAM on Mix. The only way we could use it is if we signed up to a new contract over the max budget charge as per the rules and regs.

Since you can't use both TAM and GAM on a player as per the rules and regs, it is safe to assume that we are using at least ~300k GAM on Mix just like we were last year. We also received some TAM in the Jacobson trade and gave SKC TAM for an international slot so it kinda of impossible to say how much we actually have.
ABSOLUTELY IGNORANT!! Who's making the decisions for this Team?? The Assholes at The Yes Network!! Why even put him in the Second Jersey Video and make him the best part?? What about that teacher and all those sweet children??? Oh Well !! What scares me the most........Will we and This Forum now loose it's Best Supporter FootyLovin ????? I'm putting in a Desperate Plea Now Don't Jump Ship Sweetie!!! I know you a Very Heart Broken!! This Forum not be the same without you! I would feel a Great Loss!! If i were you i'd take that picture of yours blow it up on to a flag to cover an entire seat section with the words....NO POKU NO PARTY!! Along with another sign that say....Thanks A Lot Dumb Shit's !! Then a third sign that say..... I Guess I And Innocent Children Mean Nothing!! Please Don't Leave Us FootyLovin !! Even though your Heart and Middle Finger say something else!! Stay for David and My Andrea Sweetie! Think of them even though it's not the same! But i got something for you.. The Very NY minuet my Andrea leaves this Sorry Ass Yes Network Team we'll throw the Biggest Fuck You Party This Planet Has Ever Seen!!! I'm so sorry for your broken heart today and going forward!! Happy 4th of July! Bat Shit Crazy Straight Jacket Proud !!

This was the greatest personnel move this team has every made outside of signing Villa and maybe drafting Harrison.
Kreis could have played a 4-3-3 last year. He chose not to. Remember that we didn't get Pirlo and Lampard on the field together until late July - and even then, Lampard missed considerable time.

He also could have played Patrick Mullins as a target man but chose not to. Instead, Grabavoy and Jacobsen were played.

He deserved to lose his job.
TBF, is there really a major tactical difference between the 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3? Playing one holding midfielder instead of two isn't what cost us last year. It was not having the personnel to really pull it off and playing people out of position that really cost us.
There are a couple things that you have said that are incorrect about TAM.

1) For Mata and Brillant, MLS includes transfer fees along with salary when figuring in budget charges. While their salary is not over the maximum salary charge, including their transfer fee does put them over the threshold. This was detailed in the club press releases when we signed each player.

TAM Used for Brillant: http://www.nycfc.com/post/2016/01/28/fr-d-ric-brillant-joins-new-york-city-fc
TAM Used for Mata: http://www.nycfc.com/post/2016/01/20/ronald-matarrita-joins-new-york-city-fc

2) In the roster rules and regs (http://pressbox.mlssoccer.com/content/roster-rules-and-regulations), there are four listed uses for TAM. It very specifically only provides provisions for buying down DPs AND a team can only buy down a DP if they replace that DP will a new DP of equal or greater value. It says nothing about being able to buy down players over the max budget charge that are not DPs. We are not able to use TAM to buy down Pirlo, Lampard, and Villa because they make too much money. This was also told to NotAlexis last year by Kreis (http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?threads/kreis-we-cant-use-tam-because-our-dps-make-too-much.3508/). Since Mix is not a DP and we have all three DP slots full, we can't use TAM on Mix. The only way we could use it is if we signed up to a new contract over the max budget charge as per the rules and regs.

Since you can't use both TAM and GAM on a player as per the rules and regs, it is safe to assume that we are using at least ~300k GAM on Mix just like we were last year. We also received some TAM in the Jacobson trade and gave SKC TAM for an international slot so it kinda of impossible to say how much we actually have.

You're absolutely correct. Thanks for pointing that out and reminding me of the TAM spent on those 2 players. Unfortunately, we won't know the exact contract details to know the TAM used on the 2 of them, but we can figure out the minimum from subtracting their salaries from the max allowed salary threshold that they had to be over with their pro-rated transfer fees to allow for TAM usage. We also won't know what happened with the TAM in the trades. To stop our heads from spinning we can just imagine that was a relatively even swap of TAM from the Jacobsen and SKC trades. If we use that minimum TAM used, the math comes out as so:

Screenshot 2016-06-29 18.03.02.png

So we have roughly a maximum current TAM of $516,000 remaining (probably less since I doubt each of their pro0rated transfer fees + salary exactly hit the $457,500). This is if we didn't receive a net gain/loss from the SKC and Jacobson trades.

Next year, barring any trades for TAM, we should gain an additional $100,000 in TAM as well we could budget in.
You're absolutely correct. Thanks for pointing that out and reminding me of the TAM spent on those 2 players. Unfortunately, we won't know the exact contract details to know the TAM used on the 2 of them, but we can figure out the minimum from subtracting their salaries from the max allowed salary threshold that they had to be over with their pro-rated transfer fees to allow for TAM usage. We also won't know what happened with the TAM in the trades. To stop our heads from spinning we can just imagine that was a relatively even swap of TAM from the Jacobsen and SKC trades. If we use that minimum TAM used, the math comes out as so:

View attachment 5180

So we have roughly a maximum current TAM of $516,000 remaining (probably less since I doubt each of their pro0rated transfer fees + salary exactly hit the $457,500). This is if we didn't receive a net gain/loss from the SKC and Jacobson trades.

Next year, barring any trades for TAM, we should gain an additional $100,000 in TAM as well we could budget in.
The thing you don't just have to use TAM down to the max budget charge. The min budget charge for a TAM player is 150k. So TAM can get a player down to 457.5k or all the way down to 150k
The thing you don't just have to use TAM down to the max budget charge. The min budget charge for a TAM player is 150k. So TAM can get a player down to 457.5k or all the way down to 150k

Yes, but you have to be over the max budget charge to use the TAM in the first place, and in this case they only took it down to $226k and $158k. We also know they had to start at least at $457.5k, but they probably started higher then that, we just don't know how much. That's why I said the $500k left is a maximum amount. If I had to wager, we probably have closer to $400-$450k in TAM remaining. Unless we received a windfall in TAM from the Jacobson trade.

Also, do we know if any TAM exchanged in the draft day trade?
Yes, but you have to be over the max budget charge to use the TAM in the first place, and in this case they only took it down to $226k and $158k. We also know they had to start at least at $457.5k, but they probably started higher then that, we just don't know how much. That's why I said the $500k left is a maximum amount. If I had to wager, we probably have closer to $400-$450k in TAM remaining. Unless we received a windfall in TAM from the Jacobson trade.

Also, do we know if any TAM exchanged in the draft day trade?
no just gam
This is a great video. And as has been said, for all the defensive critiques, no other player as consistently made me feel like screaming with excitement. I'm happy for him and will miss the excitement he brought.
But Will you leave this forum or in this time of sorrow do you need time to think it over ??? Thanks for liking what i wrote you were the first person i thought of today!!