Scouse Rants 2: Mls


Mar 27, 2014
Facts: MLS was born around the same time as EPL.

Heres what i dont like about MLS: nothing happens when a team does shit. Just "do better next year".
Relegation is an amazing idea that should definetely put into use. MLS should deffinetely make a deal with NASL and set something up. it builds NASL players to be good and it brings a "threat" to MLS teams.

MLS should put a bigger handle on away day games. like majorly discounted train or plane tickets or even buy entire cars on trains and sell tickets that way. It brings people places they wouldnt usually go. When would anyone here go to Portland or seattle. Plus it builds up rivalry. Rivalry builds up more consumer interest which ultimately brings in more profit for the league.

Offer third parties to hold cups. For instance "MLS' Sam Adams Cup" or "Ikeas Ultimate Cup by MLS"
this allows companies to get their advertising in plus more games which means more tv time which means more money for the league. With all these Cups comes more rivalry as well.

Get rid of "jersey week" its stupid.

Get rid of the draft. Let clubs find their own means of gettign players. If im an owner, the last thing i want is extra players that im forced to get because thats the rules. (dont know much of the draft so i might be wrong)

HERES AN IDEA: The team to come in first in the US Open Cup becomes an MLS team for the year. If The Scouse Scoundrals (fake team) win the Cup, then they should be a MLS team until another team takes the trophy another year.

Reach out to the fans. The thing with the Red Bulls and the southstreet seaport was a brilliant idea. Now do that all over the place. Miami, VAncouver, Columbus. Say to the locals "hey we have a team, heres what they look like, they play well. follow them"

If i own a small buissness, allow me to advertise at all mls games. EXAMPLE: lets say i have a deli in portland and i buy advertisement space in seattle saying "scouse's deli, proudly sponsoring portland". This would allow more fans (as well as more buissness') to partake in this banter. now when seattle and portland play eachother, Scouses" Deli would be visited by both fans. The Deli gets profit and then i buy more advertisement.

Its a money game
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Facts: MLS was born around the same time as EPL.

Heres what i dont like about MLS: nothing happens when a team does shit. Just "do better next year".
Relegation is an amazing idea that should definetely put into use. MLS should deffinetely make a deal with NASL and set something up. it builds NASL players to be good and it brings a "threat" to MLS teams.

Relegation will never happen here. MLS is pay to play. You have the money and you can play. In order to secure the owners' investment they are guaranteed to never be dropped from the league. It's good and bad I suppose. For the fans it's bad, for obvious reasons. For players and the clubs it's good: job security..

CP_Scouse said:
MLS should put a bigger handle on away day games. like majorly discounted train or plane tickets or even buy entire cars on trains and sell tickets that way. It brings people places they wouldnt usually go. When would anyone here go to Portland or seattle. Plus it builds up rivalry. Rivalry builds up more consumer interest which ultimately brings in more profit for the league.

I think this is more on the Supporters Groups. If we (TR) were to show Amtrak or JetBlue that we will guarantee a 75-100 member group they would probably offer a group discount. AO and other SG's do it as well.

CP_Scouse said:
Offer third parties to hold cups. For instance "MLS' Sam Adams Cup" or "Ikeas Ultimate Cup by MLS"
this allows companies to get their advertising in plus more games which means more tv time which means more money for the league. With all these Cups comes more rivalry as well.

This is a great idea. Promotes soccer and also generates revenue for the league.

CP_Scouse said:
HERES AN IDEA: The team to come in first in the US Open Cup becomes an MLS team for the year. If The Scouse Scoundrals (fake team) win the Cup, then they should be a MLS team until another team takes the trophy another year

On the surface, I think this is a good idea. The only problem is the entire US Soccer framework isn't setup to allow something like that. Since we don't have something like a Tier 1 League, Tier 2 League etc, there isn't another team that could fill the gap of the promoted team. It would be cool as shit to see an NASL team or USL team hit the majors for a season, but logistically I don't think American Soccer can actually handle it.

CP_Scouse said:
Reach out to the fans... ...
Another great idea. I think there needs to be much more community outreach from MLS teams. Granted we haven't given NYCFC enough time to do this (or not do this). But as Supporters, Third Rail should also make themselves available to various events as well. If you know of a street fair in the your neighborhood, inquire about getting a small table to hand out stickers and flyers, maybe sell t-shirts or something. Summer is on it's way, so there will be plenty of opportunities for outdoor events.

and just to touch on your advert idea. It's already done. It's just that advertising is real expensive so Empire Market on College Point Blvd probably wouldn't see enough of a boost in revenue to justify the cost of buying ad space in Yankees Stadium. - - Actually this is a bad example because Empire Market is a damn fine establishment.

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Relegation will never happen here. MLS is pay to play. You have the money and you can play. In order to secure the owners' investment they are guaranteed to never be dropped from the league. It's good and bad I suppose. For the fans it's bad, for obvious reasons. For players and the clubs it's good: job security..

I think this is more on the Supporters Groups. If we (TR) were to show Amtrak or JetBlue that we will guarantee a 75-100 member group they would probably offer a group discount. AO and other SG's do it as well.

This is a great idea. Promotes soccer and also generates revenue for the league.

On the surface, I think this is a good idea. The only problem is the entire US Soccer framework isn't setup to allow something like that. Since we don't have something like a Tier 1 League, Tier 2 League etc, there isn't another team that could fill the gap of the promoted team. It would be cool as shit to see an NASL team or USL team hit the majors for a season, but logistically I don't think American Soccer can actually handle it.

Another great idea. I think there needs to be much more community outreach from MLS teams. Granted we haven't given NYCFC enough time to do this (or not do this). But as Supporters, Third Rail should also make themselves available to various events as well. If you know of a street fair in the your neighborhood, inquire about getting a small table to hand out stickers and flyers, maybe sell t-shirts or something. Summer is on it's way, so there will be plenty of opportunities for outdoor events.

and just to touch on your advert idea. It's already done. It's just that advertising is real expensive so Empire Market on College Point Blvd probably wouldn't see enough of a boost in revenue to justify the cost of buying ad space in Yankees Stadium. - - Actually this is a bad example because Empire Market is a damn fine establishment.

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empire is a daaammnn fiiine