Stadium Discussion

What Will Be The Name Of The New Home?

  • Etihad Stadium

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Etihad Park

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Etihad Field

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Etihad Arena

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Etihad Bowl

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
His points about Columbia and the UAE are nonsensical despite the gloss of logic. Let's start with his assertion that Robert Kraft would oppose a deal between Columbia and CFG because of CFG's ties to the UAE and Kraft being pro-Israel and a major donor to Columbia. You could argue that is possible, except you need to deal with the reality that Kraft is already a partner with CFG himself through MLS and single entity ownership. He did not publicly oppose CFG buying into MLS, there are no reports that he did so behind the scenes, and no evidence that he has ever attempted to thwart CFG or NYCFC in any endeavor at all except for the routine competition among all MLS teams. Yet now we are supposed to assume that Kraft would go all out to stop Columbia from partnering with an entity that Kraft is already doing business with. It's just stupid.

Then the is the supposed opposition from left-leaning students to the University partnering with the UAE for LGBT/women's issues and such. The first problem is that the University already partners with the Saudis -- whose record is at best comparable to the UAE -- in multiple ways, including for example the Institute of Diplomatic Studies - Saudi Arabia Executive Program. To my knowledge there has been no organized student opposition to this or other Columbia/Saudi partnerships. On top of that, Edward Said spent decades as a Columbia Professor (he died in 2003) basically defending the Middle East and Islam against any and all Western criticism. He criticized Islam and certain ME governments himself but never brooked any criticism from outside. It is the basis of his most famous and influential work Orientalism. There was never been any sustained opposition to him or his writings or his political activities at the university, and his academic legacy lives on there. To the extent any opposition did exist it came from the right, not the left, which has largely accepted Said's arguments that Western criticism of the Middle East is always suspect. I'm not going to argue politics but if you predict that a left wing student body is about to rise up against a partnership with the UAE you are oblivious to reality.

The article's entire discussion of mythical opposition to a Columbia/CFG partnership is absurd. I could see the student opposing a deal in support of the community opposition, but not because of the UAE ties.

Now, having demolished (at least to my satisfaction) his entire discussion of the CU situation, I need to reject anything he says about other subjects with which I am less informed.

But the funny twist is despite his idiocy I think his conclusion is close to correct. I do not believe the team is happy with the current situation but I do think he is right that MLS and CFG have both made mistakes and we are likely not very close to any resolution of the stadium situation.
He doesn't stand in CFG's way because the only thing more sacred than religion is the fraternity of billionaires.
Ok, had a chance to read it. mgarbowski mgarbowski said it best, and the writer was wrong about Columbia for many reasons. And my little rant stands, and here's a little more:

The writer even embedded a link to Kraft's different philanthropic activities (in an attempt to prove his assertion?). The important quote from that link was:

"Over decades, the Kraft family has given away more than $100 million to a variety of causes, including health care, education, the Jewish community, Christian organizations and local needs. And as of 2013, the Kraft family philanthropic foundation had nearly $88 million in assets."

By the writer's own link, Kraft doesn't give solely to Jewish causes, though he does give a lot to Jewish causes and organizations in Israel. And nothing that operates politically to show any bias against Muslims or Palestinians. Does a Jewish man giving charity to Jewish causes along with Christian and other causes mean he's going to stop his alma mater from allowing NYCFC to play there? A team who is his partner in MLS? Just because the ownership is Muslim? And who said Kraft really yields that kind of power anyhow?

I'm sorry, but this one really plays on the Rich Jew Controlling the World stereotype. All he needed to do add was Kraft would control the media to spin this so it wasn't his fault. And also mention Kraft's big hooked nose. Fuck this guy.

It's a shame because we don't have too many blogs that cover this team. But I'd rather have no news than fake news.
we wouldn't do that to our beloved pigeons
I don't know, that may be the hurdle needed to get support from all five boroughs in order to cull the city's pigeon population.

[i kid, mass avian deaths would be rather horrifying on a number of levels, even if city pigeons - now if we could convince rats to leap off the roof like lemmings, that would really garner support]
I don't know, that may be the hurdle needed to get support from all five boroughs in order to cull the city's pigeon population.

[i kid, mass avian deaths would be rather horrifying on a number of levels, even if city pigeons - now if we could convince rats to leap off the roof like lemmings, that would really garner support]
Chairman Mao hated sparrows (the most numerous wild bird in the world, by the way). He decided to kill them all. He tried to accomplish this by having his citizens bang pots and pans together for an extended period of time. Sparrows hate loud noise so they would fly away, but the non - stop noise all over the country left them non - stop scared so they wouldn't land and started dying of exhaustion (true story - seriously!)

At first it was a huge success - without the sparrows crop levels exploded. But then, all of a sudden, the crops started dying out. The sparrows weren't around to eat the grubs and insects that all of a sudden were around in greater numbers and destroyed the crops.

China has a great famine and 35 million people died.

The moral of the story? Don't fuck with birds.
Chairman Mao hated sparrows (the most numerous wild bird in the world, by the way). He decided to kill them all. He tried to accomplish this by having his citizens bang pots and pans together for an extended period of time. Sparrows hate loud noise so they would fly away, but the non - stop noise all over the country left them non - stop scared so they wouldn't land and started dying of exhaustion (true story - seriously!)

At first it was a huge success - without the sparrows crop levels exploded. But then, all of a sudden, the crops started dying out. The sparrows weren't around to eat the grubs and insects that all of a sudden were around in greater numbers and destroyed the crops.

China has a great famine and 35 million people died.

The moral of the story? Don't fuck with birds.
This post, to this thread, was like a salad after a week in New Orleans.

Stage Five, Acceptance: NYCFC forced to accept Yankee Stadium as long-term home
This reads like he had a "hot take" idea he wanted to discuss and then formulated his "evidence" to meet that need. While it is not factually wrong in some places the article lacks context or nuance. Comparing the jets stadium situation from a decade plus ago to the NYCFC stadium search today is apples to mangos. Using the Bob Kraft political story, which is an assumption based on non related matters (No proof Kraft has any power to do what he posits), is a straw man argument.
As someone who wrote, I hate this piece, and it feels like he doesn't like CFG and sparingly used the available information to suggest it's all their fault. Which is fine if you believe it, just admit it and don't hide behind a layer of Bs.
Comparing the jets stadium situation from a decade plus ago to the NYCFC stadium search today is apples to mangos.

In his defense, there is a more relevant point there (but it totally eluded him), in that MSG mobilized behind the scenes to kill the project. They're more politically diminished these days (and the main allies they had then are sidelined or in trouble with the law), but they still wield enough clout that CFG may need to make some kind of arrangement to placate them in a stadium deal.
In his defense, there is a more relevant point there (but it totally eluded him), in that MSG mobilized behind the scenes to kill the project. They're more politically diminished these days (and the main allies they had then are sidelined or in trouble with the law), but they still wield enough clout that CFG may need to make some kind of arrangement to placate them in a stadium deal.
See that's a valid point!
What / when was the last "official" information we (fans / season ticket holders) received from the club? I'm thinking it was the big stadium survey but have we heard ANYTHING official from the front office since then? Was that survey circulated back in the off season last year between 2015 and 2016 seasons?

Hopefully someone can correct me and tell me we've heard something more recently, but if not, that's really disappointing. I mean, even if they have made zero progress, it'd be nice to be informed... for them to acknowledge / recognize how important it is to season ticket holders. Even if it's not true, and they're not trying anymore, at least have the common courtesy to lie me and tell me you're trying! haha
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What / when was the last "official" information we (fans / season ticket holders) received from the club? I'm thinking it was the big stadium survey but have we heard ANYTHING official from the front office since then? Was that survey circulated back in the off season last year between 2015 and 2016 seasons?

Hopefully someone can correct me and tell me we've heard something more recently, but if not, that's really disappointing. I mean, even if they have made zero progress, it'd be nice to be informed... for them to acknowledge / recognize how important it is to season ticket holders. Even if it's not true, and they're not trying anymore, at least have the common courtesy to lie me and tell me you're trying! haha

The said last offseason we'd have news in June. But never got any. We all think they are being quiet as not to screw up a potential deal. We've heard from numerous sources "they are working very hard on it". But we don't know what that means. It's frustrating, but we've all agreed it's worth the frustration if it means getting us a stadium. So we're having a little party on this thread till it happens.

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Let's just build in Willets Point since it was offered by Queens Borough President Melinda Katz. Wouldn't please the Mets, but I could see us doing this stadium dance for the next 5 years. Seeing all these beautiful new SSS' going up, I'm getting serious stadium envy; makes it harder and harder to go to Yankees Stadium.
You know, now, we may want de Blasio to be kept in office. Think all the local city initiatives that we've done to get some goodwill with the Mayor's Office. If someone new steps in, that all could be for nothing (in terms of getting a stadium moving along).

Considering that hes basically running unopposed on the democrat side of the aisle, and the republican "front runner" is as charismatic as a lead brick I'd say that we're going to figure out some way to work with him. If we want to break ground in the next decade or so.
Considering that hes basically running unopposed on the democrat side of the aisle, and the republican "front runner" is as charismatic as a lead brick I'd say that we're going to figure out some way to work with him. If we want to break ground in the next decade or so.

Maybe we're just waiting for the AG investigation of him to finish so Bill can get his season ticket box full of "stadium enticements"