What about when someone says they'll be "out in a couple minutes?" Is is expected that they are only going to exit their house/room in exactly two minutes? Is it any time rounded up or down to two minutes (if so, what is the gauge of rounding around 2 minutes, +/- 15 seconds. Or any time over 1 min. 30 sec. but less than 2 min. 29 sec.)? If they don't exit in exactly 120 seconds do you lose all faith in them as a friend or an acquaintance?
Damn, Benny Lava kicked their asses.
it means ill be out in 2 minutes more or less... but 2 is still the factor.
Like basically when you tell me youre showing up to my house at 2, but you have to wait for youre friend to get there, lets call him Jovany. I already know to assume you wont be there till 3:15-4 oclock