Stadium Discussion

The Empire State Building only too 11 months, so....
It’s definitely possible..... all we now need is a massive stock market crash facilitating a Great Depression as a means to create an enormous surplus of unemployment while gutting workplace and construction safety ordinances and securing a general contractor interested in bankrupting themselves in conjunction with a nervous breakdown.
Hmm, guess this is a Queensboro FC reference huh.
It’s definitely possible..... all we now need is a massive stock market crash facilitating a Great Depression as a means to create an enormous surplus of unemployment while gutting workplace and construction safety ordinances and securing a general contractor interested in bankrupting themselves in conjunction with a nervous breakdown.
It’s definitely possible..... all we now need is a massive stock market crash facilitating a Great Depression as a means to create an enormous surplus of unemployment while gutting workplace and construction safety ordinances and securing a general contractor interested in bankrupting themselves in conjunction with a nervous breakdown.
