Stadium Discussion

Dude, you really have to start quoting what you're replying to LOL

Are you talking about a stadium at York? Modular? Yang? Villa not at the announcement? NYCFC overflow? Something from a previous page? We have no idea!

stadium when we don’t even have one
Their stated plan was to build a modular stadium at York College. I am going to assume the announcement is confirming that, as I haven't heard any other rumors. But who knows.
There is space there to build something comparable to Belson, but not really anything more than that.

If we wanted a stadium for a few thousand people, we'd have had it 5 years ago.

My take would be that if you're asking a candidate who is trying to turn your home opener into a campaign promo event, dressed in team regalia, chanting the songs and banging the drum, he´s going to say exactly what you want to hear. Whether he'll actually support the stadium at a neutral forum where there are people pro and against in attendance, I have no clue.