Thread Title Formatting

Small gripe:

Can the thread title formatting be updated so that we can keep whatever formatting we enter? If the title is MLS Watch, we get Mls Watch and that irks me to no end.
My suggestion would be to space out the M L S
Otherwise it's don't to keep the thread titles clean.
This way we don't have this...

New rumor about Iker
new rumor about iker

It's a setting within the forum software that gives you a more attractive thread list.
My suggestion would be to space out the M L S
Otherwise it's don't to keep the thread titles clean.
This way we don't have this...

New rumor about Iker
new rumor about iker

It's a setting within the forum software that gives you a more attractive thread list.
I, too, would prefer to be able to capitalize acronyms in thread titles. I'd hope that we can maintain a forum culture of not using all-caps headlines. Then again, this is the Internet.
Usually forums have a setting for word replacements that an administrator has to enter manually, so that anyone who types the certain letters or phrases the admin enters, will also display the way the admin enters. So you may be able to force mls to format capatilized. Not entirely sure about this forum software as I've never used it.
Going forward it should be changed.

As Dan said, we've reviewed it and have amended the rules. You should now be able to use full caps in thread titles. Please note, of course, that all-caps thread titles (i.e. SHOUTING IN YOUR THREAD NAME) will of course get moderated.