103 Row 10 (Row 1) Seats 21-24 (Aisle Opposite 104)Since we've already started buying season tickets and know which ones are taken, we should start to just write what seats we are in so we can know who are sitting with. Lets keep a rolling list so it can be easily accessible.
Section 14a: NYCFC_Dan , Nick,
Section 15B: Drainyoo row 6
Section 103: Scott McCarthy,
Section 126: Kjbert Row 29 seats 1-2
Section 127A: FredMertz Row 16
Section 130: forfalskning Row 5 seat 1-2
Section 135: Carp22, row 10 seats 12-13
Section 136: Vito Row 10 Seats 3-5, Kubah Row 10 seats 17-18,RayRayAma seats 19-20
Section 205: @Kyle Magee Row 4, Slick Rick Row 1 seat 16-17
Section 213: 413Blue Row 1
Section 216: Section1Guy row 11
Section 233A: Nick Melione Row 1 seats 12-13
Section 233B:NYJaguar
Section 234: AndreT_NY, jredbone Row 1 seats 11-12, Lawson row 18 seat 19, Goodfella row 18 seat 15-18, Buckley row 19 seat 16
Section 235: BxLio91
Section 236: Slick Rick, lawson, Buckley, D_RoyJenkins, Markham Rollins
Since we've already started buying season tickets and know which ones are taken, we should start to just write what seats we are in so we can know who are sitting with. Lets keep a rolling list so it can be easily accessible.
Section 14a: NYCFC_Dan Row 2 seats 9-10, Nick, Paul Row 7 seats 7-9, Rand Row 9 seats 11-12
Section 15B: Drainyoo row 6
Section 103: Scott McCarthy Row 1 seats 21-24
Section 107: Tiger Jones Row 11 seats 1-2
Section 126: Kjbert Row 29 seats 1-2
Section 127A: FredMertz Row 16
Section 129: JonsConspiracy Row 16 seat 1-2
Section 130: forfalskning Row 5 seat 1-2
Section 135: Carp22, row 10 seats 12-13, ajdimalanta Row 12 seats 1-2 Section 136: Vito Row 10 Seats 3-5, Kubah Row 10 seats 17-18, RayRayAma seats 19-20
Section 205: @Kyle Magee Row 4, Slick Rick Row 1 seat 16-17
Section 206: GothamGooner Row 7
Section 213: 413Blue Row 1
Section 216: Section1Guy row 11
Section 233A: Nick Melione Row 1 seats 12-13
Section 233B:NYJaguar
Section 234: AndreT_NY, jredbone Row 1 seats 11-12, Lawson row 18 seat 19, Goodfella row 18 seat 15-18, Buckley row 19 seat 16
Section 235: BxLio91
Section 236: Slick Rick, lawson, Buckley, D_RoyJenkins, Markham Rollins, GothamGooner
is that because that's how the rows are numbered like 103 (row 10 being the first row) or are they not using the first row?Great idea! Updated mine with the seats. 14a does start at row 2 not 1.
It's pretty common in baseball stadiums. It's to keep it all lined up so you don't have row 3 in one section across the aisle from row 7 in the next. Some do it differently, I remember as a kid going to Fenway Park for a Yanks/Sox game and we were so excited because we had row 1 and were front row!! Then we showed up (this was pre internet seating charts and such) and realized we were behind rows A, B and C.Yeah, it's weird how the rows are listed at Yankee Stadium. row 10 is row 1 and row 2 is row 1....makes resale tricky for the uninformed. LOL
UpdatedYup. I'm 103 row 10 seats 7-8