Work Sucks Today Because...

Work sucks today because its Monday... I want the weekend back (which incidentally I do work), 80% of my take comes on Fri / Sat / Sun ..... bring back the weekend I want money !!!!
I'll start work sucks today because one of my drivers had a heart attack and there were other unexpected delays all across the board which effed everything up
Work sucks today because its Monday... I want the weekend back (which incidentally I do work), 80% of my take comes on Fri / Sat / Sun ..... bring back the weekend I want money !!!!
What do you do? If you don't mind my asking?
Work sucks today because, after rushing myself back to work after a chest virus in order to continue my training, my boss then was off ill himself, leaving me to spend an entire day killing time filling in the gaps on what I already knew. Might as well have just had another day in bed.
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Work sucks today because, after rushing myself back to work after a chest virus in order to continue my training, my boss then was off ill himself, leaving me to spend an entire day killing time filling in the gaps on what I already knew. Might as well have just had another day in bed.
That sucks man. Glad I'm not the only one. All though I just hit hour 12 with no quick end in site lol
I saw him today turns out it wasn't a heart attack. Or stroke they aren't sure. Gotta do some tests could be a number of things.
sorry to hear about your driver, I hope he pulls through ok
My only complaints lately have come as a result of working during games :(
Usually watch some on my break though
No sir born and raised in bar country. And that's pretty cool man, so as a bar owner what is your stance on Jon taffer and bar rescue

Sorry, I was Americanising for the majority, I am an English pub owner, never heard of Jon Taffer bar rescue, more like Ken from the Grapes (Early Doors)
Sorry, I was Americanising for the majority, I am an English pub owner, never heard of Jon Taffer bar rescue, more like Ken from the Grapes (Early Doors)
Ahhh okay. Well the short version is he does a show where he goes in and saves bars from closing. Pretty sure he takes a healthy percentage afterwards but they don't actually show that on the show.
That's balls man. What do you do I'm looking for truck drivers office is outta Hillsborough nj. Delivering to pa ny me ma ct nj sometimes canada