I'm not a doctor or an epidemiologist but until, say, 80% of the population is vaccinated we'll all need masks and to be a little cautious. Might need to be only 75%, might need to be 90%, but the point still stands. And just because I'm vaccinated that doesn't mean I won't give it to you, it just means that if I get it I'm most likely not going to die from it. Do you really want to stand next to someone in the hot dog line at the stadium who has it and doesn't yet know they do and yet is still not wearing a mask because freedom? I can't wait to go to the Bel Aire Diner, multiple best-in-New-York winner, to get the best pizza burger in existence, but I'm OK with waiting another six months or a year if I have to.
Just because it's been a year and you happen to feel like it's been enough doesn't mean it makes any kind of sense to "rip off the band aid." We as a country wasted an entire year because the nitwits in charge said it *wasn't real* and did nothing about it. And yet there's countries around the world where they're going to ballgames and parades and bars and restaurants and concerts just like in the old days. But not us, because we wouldn't lock down completely for two months, and test and trace, and also because 1/3 of the population refuses masks and/or vaccinations.
So yes, wear your mask.
If I am vaccinated, why am I wearing a mask? Serious question