Andrea Pirlo announces retirement from football


Well there you have it folks. ‘Merica.
You take your stats. I’ll take a guy who can help win, even if he isn’t on the stat sheet. Because you know, when RJ sent that cross in to sweat who then put the ball in the Lewis for the game winner, RJ did not get an assist on his stat sheet. Yet that cross won us the game. Pirlo can create the chances. He can’t finish them for the shit surrounding cast too. Unless you want him to force the ball to Villa literally every possession, because that worked so well the inaugural season.
The guy you’re taking has a losing record on the field this year - not sure any player on the team can claim that honor besides TMac. That’s the most important stat and you seem to be excited about it.
The guy you’re taking has a losing record on the field this year - not sure any player on the team can claim that honor besides TMac. That’s the most important stat and you seem to be excited about it.

Back off T-mac, I think he is our 2nd place goal scorer in club history and is a bad ass.
Remember him getting kicked in the face on a header goal and calling Tim Howard a bitch
Back off T-mac, I think he is our 2nd place goal scorer in club history and is a bad ass.
Remember him getting kicked in the face on a header goal and calling Tim Howard a bitch
TMac is 4th on the team in scoring.

1. Villa. About 60 or so
2. Lampard 15
3. Harrison 14
4. TMac 13
Look, Pirlo is a footballing legend and I will always be grateful that he once played on my hometown team. But he clearly left his best days in Italy and we have to be honest that from an on-pitch perspective his presence here was disappointing at best.

I salute the Maestro and I know that his retirement life will be 100x as interesting as most of ours.
Cream rises to the top and it is no exception with athletes.
The guy retires from OUR team. There is always something special about a player who wants to play in NYC.
The guy signed a contract that was offered to him, never complained about his role and clearly loves NY.
He had a shitload of wealth before he came here, both family and from his career so I don't think it was for the money.

He came here because he wanted to live in NYC. Then he hid behind a wall.

Look. If he left after 1.5 years I wouldn't be pissing in people's cornflakes. He would have been meh. But this year he hurt this team by not leaving. We have an unused DP slot filled with a useless player .
His actions are justified under law and general business ethics. He's not doing anything wrong by holding the team to its contract. But if that's the defense it is silly to lionize him. He made a deal that in Year 3 was good for him and bad for fans who want to see the best team possible. He never lived up to his promise. He is arguably the worst DP we've had out of 4, and considering what Lampard did to start you have to really be bad to make it a contest.

Finally, I don't care what he did at Milan, Juve, or Team Italy. I can admire and respect it and still not care. It buys him no good will from me and there's no reason it should. It does from fans of Italian soccer. Fine. A ciascuno il suo.
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He came here because he wanted to live in NYC. Then he hid behind a wall.

Look. If he left after 1.5 years I wouldn't be pissing in people's cornflakes. He would have been meh. But this year he hurt this team by not leaving. We have an unused DP slot filled with a useless player .
His actions are justified under law and general business ethics. He's not doing anything wrong by holding the team to its contract. But if that's the defense it is silly to lionize him. He made a deal that in Year 3 was good for him and bad for fans who want to see the best team possible. He never lived up to his promise. He is arguably the worst DP we've had out of 4, and considering what Lampard did to start you have to really be bad to make it a contest.

Finally, I don't care what he did at Milan, Juve, or Team Italy. I can admire and respect it and still not care. It buys him no good will from me and there's no reason it should. It does from fans of Italian soccer. Fine. A ciascuno il suo.

i get it....but at the end of the day you know the team did this to bring eyes to the team ( all three DP's).....i cant really get mad with him for that.

i still think pirlo> lampard in terms of image. the reason is because of the whole lampardgate and his posting pics of him just chilling while injured....that may have rubbed people the wrong way.

on the field....well we dont really have the players to put around him like at juve/italy .....this year....we kinda do but we figured out that the league is just too physical and at his age we wont get the best out of him.....but we all sort of should of known that from the start

im still glad to know i got to see both live for more than just friendlies
Back off T-mac, I think he is our 2nd place goal scorer in club history and is a bad ass.
Remember him getting kicked in the face on a header goal and calling Tim Howard a bitch

When Macnamara starts we are 7-5-5. When he doesn't start we are 9-3-3. When T-Mac doesn't play at all, we are 5-0-0.

He's not bad ass, and he negatively impacts the team nearly every time he is on the pitch.
i get it....but at the end of the day you know the team did this to bring eyes to the team ( all three DP's).....i cant really get mad with him for that.

i still think pirlo> lampard in terms of image. the reason is because of the whole lampardgate and his posting pics of him just chilling while injured....that may have rubbed people the wrong way.

on the field....well we dont really have the players to put around him like at juve/italy .....this year....we kinda do but we figured out that the league is just too physical and at his age we wont get the best out of him.....but we all sort of should of known that from the start

im still glad to know i got to see both live for more than just friendlies

Bringing Pirlo here aside from name recognition and bringing in fans was a mistake to begin with. He was set up to fail, and I think its silly to blame him for that. Juventus was built to play Pirlo football. NYCFC is simply not. Pirlo had never been asked to do anything but drop dimes and make pretty passes to players. A lot of NYCFC fans wont agree because they haven't followed his career (you dont have to care about his italian career but if youre going to compare his effort/caring here versus there you should at least be able to look at it), but Pirlo ran harder for these few years with us than he has ever done in his career, and this at 38 years old. He had the likes of Paul Pogba, Carlos Tevez, Giovinco, Marchisio and Vidal running and covering for him. Add to that one of the best defenses in the world and it was a winning product. Here, who does he have? Is that really his fault? Is it the fault of the supporting cast? I don't think its either of their faults.

At that point you have to look at what the objective of the club was to see if he was a failure. If it was to fill seats and sell jerseys he was a total success. If it was to have a dominant DP in the midfield it was a failure. I think the answer lies somewhere within the middle.
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With rare exceptions, players have no loyalty. Why should I?
Sure, but there is a massive gap between pursuing one's self-interest in what is a very short career with a low probability of being successful and mouthing off the other side.

If Pirlo had said fuck off and good riddance to all of our fans then maybe you could claim equivalency. As you remark in a later post, though, his behavior was well within the boundaries of his contract and business ethics. If you read a little bit into his comments about being hurt and unable to train, you might even conclude that he would have liked to have been able to contribute more, particularly this season.

And I still don't buy the "hiding behind the wall" thing at all. He was on the far side of the wall, looked to me as if he was trying to push the wall towards the ball, and wouldn't have done anything if he had jumped. IMO, he's being crucified because he, unlike anybody else in the wall, was able to see where the kick was going, which is a microcosm of his general inability to be more impactful for us.
He came here because he wanted to live in NYC. Then he hid behind a wall.

Look. If he left after 1.5 years I wouldn't be pissing in people's cornflakes. He would have been meh. But this year he hurt this team by not leaving. We have an unused DP slot filled with a useless player .
His actions are justified under law and general business ethics. He's not doing anything wrong by holding the team to its contract. But if that's the defense it is silly to lionize him. He made a deal that in Year 3 was good for him and bad for fans who want to see the best team possible. He never lived up to his promise. He is arguably the worst DP we've had out of 4, and considering what Lampard did to start you have to really be bad to make it a contest.

Finally, I don't care what he did at Milan, Juve, or Team Italy. I can admire and respect it and still not care. It buys him no good will from me and there's no reason it should. It does from fans of Italian soccer. Fine. A ciascuno il suo.

Not to mention all the mildly infuriating and kinda disrespectful comments about NYCFC and MLS in general he made, like when he advised DeRossi, 34, to stay in Europe instead of coming to MLS, because he was still too young. "He can come to MLS in 2 years" he said. He just missed adding "like I did". If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about his attitude coming over here, I don't know what will.
f you read a little bit into his comments about being hurt and unable to train, you might even conclude that he would have liked to have been able to contribute more, particularly this season.
Wow Christopher Jee Kudos to that Asian thinking ! This flips me out !! I should have thought about this in the way you did when i read it . What's wrong with me ? This is The Big Bang Theory !! THANKS !!!
I dunno if I would call it Asian thinking lol
