Pirlo has never been know for his assists though, nor for his goal scoring. Look at his career stats. If thats what u were expecting then you were in for a let down from the start. Thats just not what he does.
ETA: if your talking about me being disrespectful, I apologize. Definitely not intended. #WEAREONE
One successful pass back to the keeper.
No, I didn't mean you in this case.
I understand Pirlo's role and what he "does." But last year he led in assists and this year he has zero. Whatever he "does", that change is telling.
No doubt his ball placement is surreal and his technical skills are nearly unmatched but unfortunately, you'd have to make a tortured argument to say his performance is equal to prior years. Watch Villa sprint... to do everything... and then watch Andrea. The difference is stark. But in 3 years time I doubt even Villa will be playing as he does today.
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