Away - 07/05 Whitecaps

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I don't know.... first we go North of the Wall to meet the Whitecaps on their frozen turf.... then TFC marches south to our keep. It is written that days later the Fire arrives at our doorstep..... only to see TFC rise up from their ashes again to do battle and then have to put down the False King RB as they ride from the South...... :sweatdrops: :sweatdrops::fire::sweatdrops:&:japanesegoblin::crown: over five matches - that's a LOT of coincidences.....

Reminds me of this from 2015...
Our referee for this one is Baldomero Toledo - a 13-year veteran of MLS. I found these NYCFC games for which he was
the referee:

- our 2015 draw (1-1) against Philly in which he awarded 8 Yellow Cards;
- our 2015 loss (1-5) to LA, in which there was 1 Yellow Card and 1 penalty; and
- our 2016 beatdown (5-1) of Colorado in which he sent off a Colorado player with 2 Yellows.

He is also the guy who sent Van Damme of LA off with two yellows earlier this season: one was for dissent after he protested that the offensive player had taken a dive (he did) and the other for a breakup of a promising attack where Van Damme did not touch the other player (but it was still a foul).

According to the site below, he tends to call fewer fouls than other refs, but he is more likely to issue a card for the fouls that he does call.
Our referee for this one is Baldomero Toledo - a 13-year veteran of MLS. I found these NYCFC games for which he was
the referee:

- our 2015 draw (1-1) against Philly in which he awarded 8 Yellow Cards;
- our 2015 loss (1-5) to LA, in which there was 1 Yellow Card and 1 penalty; and
- our 2016 beatdown (5-1) of Colorado in which he sent off a Colorado player with 2 Yellows.

He is also the guy who sent Van Damme of LA off with two yellows earlier this season: one was for dissent after he protested that the offensive player had taken a dive (he did) and the other for a breakup of a promising attack where Van Damme did not touch the other player (but it was still a foul).

According to the site below, he tends to call fewer fouls than other refs, but he is more likely to issue a card for the fouls that he does call.

The full referee lineup:
Vancouver Whitecaps v New York City
BC Place (10:00PM ET)
AR1: Eduardo Mariscal
AR2: Michael Barwegen
4TH: Juan Guzman
I didn't even realize that. Maybe Ring + Lamps = James Rodriguez. We cheered as one's watch ended, I'd cry if we lost Ring. But then we would have the Prince who was Promised.
That would be Ronaldo.
Enjoying the selective memory of

Where's the highlight of:
(1) The poor PK call against us that nearly cost us that game in 2015 followed by the epic Frank Lampard dive that led to the make-up call that got us the Villa PK that they show in the attached as time ran out. If memory serves, that match was a end of a 3 match win streak that actually kept our playoff hopes alive until they were dashed the next week in the pouring rain of DC.

(2) A fantastic Saunders gaffe that put us down 1-0 less than a minute into the 2016 match.
#team<6:00am is all over the record and watch at sunrise on this one.
In that case be sure to read the email I send you in the morning... it'll be filled with helpful info like the weather forecast, traffic & other fun stuff to get your day started. Seriously, it should be the first thing you look at when you wake up.
We haven't had to worry much about what our lineup is going to look like over the last month until today.
Unfortunately I'll be in the air when it's released. Bought an adapter to hook my phone up to the windshield and stream the game on the drive home. Don't tell me that's a bad idea.
I really hope you have adaptive cruise control.
The issue with "turf" and it's various meanings is this. There is no short, easy way to refer to the fake stuff. "Astroturf", "artificial turf", "artificial surface" and the like are all long and polysyllabic. This means people don't like to use them, at least not exclusively and certainly not in casual conversation.

So, there needs to be a monosyllabic term for fake grass, and so far it seems to be shortening "artificial turf" to "turf" - which has it's problems because "turf" means grass, which is why the word "artificial" was put in front of it to begin with.

Personally, I think "carpet" or "rug" would be better, but those haven't gained currency.

Mr Gotham Gator I thought you might appreciate what New York's Hardest Gang Leader Ever has to say about your reply here ! Ya'll seem to be on the same page !
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