Home - 07/19 TFC

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this forum has serious issues with dealing with people who may not think the save as them. the hive mind and mob mentality is beyond ridiculous.

Happy Game Day! Lets Get 3!
Yeah - this thread has been disappointing.

It's one thing to say that dissent and disagreement are welcome. It's another to actually apply that and disagree amicably. One may think that mocking what other people post is "part of the fun" or something like that, but it seriously discourages expression, diversity, and the quality of discussion.

Ultimately, it's just not that much fun. We have done and can continue to do better.
this forum has serious issues with dealing with people who may not think the same as them. the hive mind and mob mentality is beyond ridiculous.

Happy Game Day! Lets Get 3!
I haven't had my NYCFC fix for two weeks and was bored at work. I was genuinely just enjoying the debate. Hope it wasn't me that you are referencing
Yeah - this thread has been disappointing.

It's one thing to say that dissent and disagreement are welcome. It's another to actually apply that and disagree amicably. One may think that mocking what other people post is "part of the fun" or something like that, but it seriously discourages expression, diversity, and the quality of discussion.

Ultimately, it's just not that much fun. We have done and can continue to do better.
Using a guy that makes demonstrably false statements, such as:
Its been basically proven that that lineup is not a cup contending lineup,
better goals against average with pirlo in than without, but thats none of my business. keep sippin that haterade.
then complains about people - who spend a significant amount of time producing facts to refute his opinions - being part of some hive mind out to quash dissent, is probably not the best example you can make.

You have supported Pirlo as best you can for some time, and have not met with anything approaching this response. You have tried to present facts, and you interpret them differently than others. That's a debatable difference in opinion. Spouting falsehoods, ignoring the overwhelming tide of facts, then crying that no one is being nice doesn't work in real life or here.
I haven't had my NYCFC fix for two weeks and was bored at work. I was genuinely just enjoying the debate. Hope it wasn't me that you are referencing

Honestly, i dont remember specifics of whos who and quite frankly im too lazy nor do i care enough to check.

There are people with generally a poor attitude and lack of respect. And like i said i have a thick skin so if u think im hurt im not, but i really think it discourages others who may take it more personally than i do.

There is an admin who is suggesting people putting me on ignore simply for the fact that i have an unpopular opinion. Poor way to run a forum in my opinion but its his forum so hes welcome to run it however he pleases.

And then there was another comment of a person being proud that they sent other people who had different opinions into lurker mode. Youre seriously proud u bullied someones opinion so much they dont want to talk anymore? and the sad part is all the people that agree with this mentality.

Like i said shit on me all you want, i can take it. If you want this community to stay exactly the same and with the same people just talk to each other and pat each other on the back so be it. But for a place which claims to be a forum and would want what i would think is to encourage growth and diversity, you should seriously think about the way you treat others.
Honestly, i dont remember specifics of whos who and quite frankly im too lazy nor do i care enough to check.

There are people with generally a poor attitude and lack of respect. And like i said i have a thick skin so if u think im hurt im not, but i really think it discourages others who may take it more personally than i do.

There is an admin who is suggesting people putting me on ignore simply for the fact that i have an unpopular opinion. Poor way to run a forum in my opinion but its his forum so hes welcome to run it however he pleases.

And then there was another comment of a person being proud that they sent other people who had different opinions into lurker mode. Youre seriously proud u bullied someones opinion so much they dont want to talk anymore? and the sad part is all the people that agree with this mentality.

Like i said shit on me all you want, i can take it. If you want this community to stay exactly the same and with the same people just talk to each other and pat each other on the back so be it. But for a place which claims to be a forum and would want what i would think is to encourage growth and diversity, you should seriously think about the way you treat others.
I really think you're conflating the notion of an opinion based on feelings with statements backed up by researchable facts. Most people on the Forum don't look down on other people's soccer opinions IF they are rooted in facts with examples presented. For a topic like Bourbon, where it's personal preference, nobody's going to dispute your posts because they're only quantifiable to the individual, but anything NYCFC-centric can be researched. It's when statements are made, and presented as truisms, but don't have any real life examples or references and are then easily disproved with a little googling that many posters lose their patience.

I'm a very opinionated person on these forums, and I make every attempt to cite my thought process, and when I don't or when other examples are shown to me with more compelling proof/stats than what I posted, I learn something. mgarbowski has schooled me many times. I've gotten into heated debates with derek_villa on a number of occasions & have been proven wrong. Show me better & more distinct examples rooted with facts and not the eye of the beholder, and I'll take your side - that's how a Forum works.

To your point about Bullying.... There are very few "bullies" on the Forums, if ANY, and I think the majority of posters welcome new ideas and views, but their patience runs thin when constantly presented with eye-of-the-beholder opinions and requests for info without taking the time to do your own research. mgarbowski may have announced he was using the ignore button, but that's not bullying and totally his prerogative as a reader.
I really think you're conflating the notion of an opinion based on feelings with statements backed up by researchable facts. Most people on the Forum don't look down on other people's soccer opinions IF they are rooted in facts with examples presented. For a topic like Bourbon, where it's personal preference, nobody's going to dispute your posts because they're only quantifiable to the individual, but anything NYCFC-centric can be researched. It's when statements are made, and presented as truisms, but don't have any real life examples or references and are then easily disproved with a little googling that many posters lose their patience.

I'm a very opinionated person on these forums, and I make every attempt to cite my thought process, and when I don't or when other examples are shown to me with more compelling proof/stats than what I posted, I learn something. mgarbowski has schooled me many times. I've gotten into heated debates with derek_villa on a number of occasions & have been proven wrong. Show me better & more distinct examples rooted with facts and not the eye of the beholder, and I'll take your side - that's how a Forum works.

To your point about Bullying.... There are very few "bullies" on the Forums, if ANY, and I think the majority of posters welcome new ideas and views, but their patience runs thin when constantly presented with eye-of-the-beholder opinions and requests for info without taking the time to do your own research. mgarbowski may have announced he was using the ignore button, but that's not bullying and totally his prerogative as a reader.

When i was wrong about actual statistics... i.e. the goals allowed i admitted it. its not a matter of people thinking im wrong and the majority generally disagreeing with me. its general attitude and quite frankly asshole comments. SoupInNYC has proved me wrongabout some of the things i said with his statistics but he wasnt a dick about it. I have no issue with that. Certain people are dicks plain and simple and have a poor attitude #tone

I was never talking about mgarbowski putting me on ignore. thats his choice so i dont know where that even came from.

if you want to defend the behavior so be it.
When i was wrong about actual statistics... i.e. the goals allowed i admitted it. its not a matter of people thinking im wrong and the majority generally disagreeing with me. its general attitude and quite frankly asshole comments. SoupInNYC has proved me wrongabout some of the things i said with his statistics but he wasnt a dick about it. I have no issue with that. Certain people are dicks plain and simple and have a poor attitude #tone

I was never talking about mgarbowski putting me on ignore. thats his choice so i dont know where that even came from.

if you want to defend the behavior so be it.
I would suggest if you feel certain people are "dicks" with "asshole comments" then you should put them on ignore. That's your prerogative to do so and it can be quite cathartic.

My reading of the thread has been a general tone of hands in the air frustration, not people being dicks, but that's from an outside point of view since the posts aren't responding to me, so my interpretation would be different than yours.
Using a guy that makes demonstrably false statements, such as:


then complains about people - who spend a significant amount of time producing facts to refute his opinions - being part of some hive mind out to quash dissent, is probably not the best example you can make.

You have supported Pirlo as best you can for some time, and have not met with anything approaching this response. You have tried to present facts, and you interpret them differently than others. That's a debatable difference in opinion. Spouting falsehoods, ignoring the overwhelming tide of facts, then crying that no one is being nice doesn't work in real life or here.
There are facts and reality - I don't think anybody is complaining about people bringing these to the forum. Even misguided opinions have helped to surface this, for the benefit of everybody.

Then there is tone, which is what I have taken exception to.
I really think you're conflating the notion of an opinion based on feelings with statements backed up by researchable facts. Most people on the Forum don't look down on other people's soccer opinions IF they are rooted in facts with examples presented. For a topic like Bourbon, where it's personal preference, nobody's going to dispute your posts because they're only quantifiable to the individual, but anything NYCFC-centric can be researched. It's when statements are made, and presented as truisms, but don't have any real life examples or references and are then easily disproved with a little googling that many posters lose their patience.

I'm a very opinionated person on these forums, and I make every attempt to cite my thought process, and when I don't or when other examples are shown to me with more compelling proof/stats than what I posted, I learn something. mgarbowski has schooled me many times. I've gotten into heated debates with derek_villa on a number of occasions & have been proven wrong. Show me better & more distinct examples rooted with facts and not the eye of the beholder, and I'll take your side - that's how a Forum works.

To your point about Bullying.... There are very few "bullies" on the Forums, if ANY, and I think the majority of posters welcome new ideas and views, but their patience runs thin when constantly presented with eye-of-the-beholder opinions and requests for info without taking the time to do your own research. mgarbowski may have announced he was using the ignore button, but that's not bullying and totally his prerogative as a reader.
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