Away - 07/17 Montreal

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Just bought tickets for this match.

Going with the wife to Montreal for the weekend.

Hope NYCFC can play well.

Great stuff. Been thinking about this trip too. My mother-in-law was there last week (she is of French Canadian descent). She loved it. Said it's a great town. She did say the whole city is under construction, so getting around can be confusing and take time.
Anyone know the latest on the possibility of Piatti being suspended?
35k is good. room to grow. It'll be weird the first few years with upper seats empty, but it'll be better then playing in YS for a season to undergo expansion construction.
First rule of a massive infrastructure project, build to the potential, not the current. The last thing a client ever wants to be faced with are the rigors of expansion immediately after completion - might as well suffer a hundred dick-punches before having to get Community, Zoning & Bldg Dept Approval, while turning a finished product into a new construction site.
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Previewing Sunday's match. A little tricky when we don't know the status of their best three players.

I hope that you are not fussed after this one.
Me too! Next two weeks are so huge from a playoff positioning/my mental health perspective. And, much as I desperately want to win in Harrison next week, this is the easier three points in my mind, particularly if some or all of Droga, Piatti and Ciman are out.
35k is good. room to grow. It'll be weird the first few years with upper seats empty, but it'll be better then playing in YS for a season to undergo expansion construction.
a soccer specific stadium would likely bump our numbers more towards 30-32K average. If we have nearly 20K STH in YS, I would expect the STH numbers to go to at least 25K
Nice preview, but no "See Ya Next Time!" ???
Uh oh...technical glitch. I'll need to talk to the editor, though I'm kind of at her mercy since she works for free and puts up with me obsessing over this team. You get extra credit for watching until the end and noticing though!
What's the word on Drogba? Is he going to that charity match, even though he won't play?
Anyone know who I can talk to inorder to get some tickets at a decent price?
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