Brad Sims Listening Tour

Brad Sims said:
New York City FC CEO Brad Sims said: “We are committed to delivering the best fan experience to our dedicated and passionate supporters and we have heard from them that midweek games are less convenient than weekend matchups.

What terms did you search that resulted in this gif?
I also can't tell if the GIF was meant to suggest that the team is a ridiculous clown party or just "yay, let's dance!"

It was simple, 'party'. But I couldn't find anything that resembled a 'party', so I figured I'd use that and hope people understood the meaning.
It was meant as a 'wow, Brad Sims actually listened'
It was simple, 'party'. But I couldn't find anything that resembled a 'party', so I figured I'd use that and hope people understood the meaning.
It was meant as a 'wow, Brad Sims actually listened'

“we have heard from them” you know what that means - the Brad Sims listening tour was a rousing success!!

Stay tuned for Listening Tour Two: Electric Boogaloo
New York City FC CEO Brad Sims said: “We are committed to delivering the best fan experience to our dedicated and passionate supporters and we have heard from them that midweek games are less convenient than weekend matchups.

Oh Brad, you may be listening but you ain’t hearing...
New York City FC CEO Brad Sims said: “We are committed to delivering the best fan experience to our dedicated and passionate supporters and we have heard from them that midweek games are less convenient than weekend matchups.

Oh Brad, you may be listening but you ain’t hearing...
If he said this, and this schedule still came out, what makes you believe that this was the front office being like 'HAHA LET'S PUT MORE MIDWEEK GAMES!'
there's clearly something at play here that's outside of the FO's control.
New York City FC CEO Brad Sims said: “We are committed to delivering the best fan experience to our dedicated and passionate supporters and we have heard from them that midweek games are less convenient than weekend matchups.

Oh Brad, you may be listening but you ain’t hearing...

He's hearing. He's got the listening and hearing down pat. The problem is, he's not doing. That's what we need, Brad. A doing tour.