Censorship of Posts


In case you were wondering, if you post a thread with a title the admin does not feel is accurate, it will be changed.

Just wait until we start having real football discussions, who knows what the admin will censor.
Well there's more than one admin and in Dan's case he's more or less said anything goes. He's certainly not given that impression with me and infact changed one of the board titles at my suggestion. Maybe your thread title was changed because something else better fit the subject and there were already similar threads. I can't speak for other admins but it seems the only thing being evaluated for quality purposes is the blog.
Hey @MyBoyCity I'm sorry about the issue.
I'll talk to him and make sure we aren't causing any friction between the members.
We are not here to censor anything.
I will say though, as I mentioned last night, nothing can be 'official' until the club supports it.
The same reason I will not call these the 'official NYCFC fan forums' unless I get permission from the club.

Mad Hatter for example was 'unofficially' MCFC's home in NY since the 90's and given the title of 'official' in '07.

For legal reason we have to be very careful with throwing that title out there or we can face being shut down and having our website closed. We are using NYCFC in our web address, this is fine unless we start to misrepresent our self.
Please, that is utter nonsense. You are not liable for my post. If I write I am the official producer of Coca Cola it wo
I will say though, as I mentioned last night, nothing can be 'official' until the club supports it.
The same reason I will not call these the 'official NYCFC fan forums' unless I get permission from the club.

Mad Hatter for example was 'unofficially' MCFC's home in NY since the 90's and given the title of 'official' in '07.

For legal reason we have to be very careful with throwing that title out there or we can face being shut down and having our website closed. We are using NYCFC in our web address, this is fine unless we start to misrepresent our self.

That is utter nonsense, this is an open forum, I can say anything is official and it has no legal impact on the site. This is a slippery slope you are headed down, especially with your fake justifications. Who knows what is next.
I used to write for and post on a quality hockey website, and eventually they started censoring any posts the disagreed with the site owner, or mentioned/promoted other websites (i.e. competitors). Ruined the site for me. I can see this is where it is heading again, which is a shame because it is a quality site.
Hey man I don't know what to tell you. I apologized as did @einwindir and apart from that if you don't want to post here anymore that's your choice.
He was protecting the site and I respect him for that. I did let him know, however, that we need to let our members voice their opinions and say whatever they want.
We will make sure that is done from now on, as for your post we both apologized and it wont happen again.
We have a blog http://nycfcforums.com/blog and as I've mentioned I don't care if people write about the RB or if they questions NYCFC as long as what they say is credible.
So if you want to write football articles please feel free, you can join on there and submit articles.
I assure you, you wont be censored.
I am not going to stop posting here because of one disagreement. I understand your position on the word 'official'. Personally, I think that consciously or subconsciously the fact that the post involved directing traffic to a semi-competitor was a major factor behind the title change. You guys obviously claim that it is not the case. We can agree to disagree.

I understand that for you guys it is a business, and you have to make decisions with that in mind. However, the user experience is way better when that fact is not tangible. To me, in this situation, it was. That bothered me, I pointed it out, and we can move on.

I accept your committment to avoid future issues like this. I will see how it plays out, and hopefully we don't run into this again.

Just to reiterate, this is a great site and you guys do great work here. Just felt the need to point out something that was bothering me. It is not a criticism of you guys, just me trying to understand.
