Coach V Thinks Players Might be Tired - Could Change Lineup

Gotham Gator

Feb 9, 2015
Bronxville, NY
Diskerud hasn't played in NYCFC's last 13 games.

Who thinks he plays this weekend?
Among the outfield players, the backline has been heavily rotated, mostly out of necessity due to injuries and suspensions, plus Brillant's daughter being born. RW has also been heavily rotated.

So, this is really Villa and McNamara plus the midfield. I could easily see Mendoza or Shelton starting for TM, and Bravo starting for Iraola. Would be surprised to see any of Villa, Pirlo or Lampard not starting unless there is an injury or one of them begs off due to the turf (which hasn't been the case to date).
Among the outfield players, the backline has been heavily rotated, mostly out of necessity due to injuries and suspensions, plus Brillant's daughter being born. RW has also been heavily rotated.

So, this is really Villa and McNamara plus the midfield. I could easily see Mendoza or Shelton starting for TM, and Bravo starting for Iraola. Would be surprised to see any of Villa, Pirlo or Lampard not starting unless there is an injury or one of them begs off due to the turf (which hasn't been the case to date).
My thought exactly. This is geared towards TMac and possibly Iraola. Would love to see Mix in for either Lamps or Pirlo since those two really do need a break at some point..... But yeah, I doubt PV was referring to getting Mix any minutes - probably see Mikey/Medhi instead. And if for some reason Lurch gets a nod.....
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I was a little surprised to read that he thinks there may be some mental or physical fatigue, but perhaps it could explain some recent inconsistent results. When thinking about lineup implications, my first thought was to TMac and second to Iraola, each of whom I really like but think have been less strong lately.

I really wonder how much we need to rotate people, however. We have 8 days off going into this game. We also don't have another mid-week game the rest of the way and have a week off for international break in early October.
I also saw that Shelton had an unreported knock that kept him out for a few weeks, which helps explain his absences prior to last weekend.

That's also a reminder that some of these guys might have minor knocks that aren't enough to sideline them completely but that do keep them from playing their best - not fatigue, per se, but also something that can be helped with a little rest.

If we make some changes, maybe we have Shelton in for McNamara and Bravo or Mix in for Iraola. If the one theory about Mix is accurate - that he's not enough of a specialist to be a late game sub - then maybe this is a chance for him to facilitate from the start.
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Sounds to me like some deflection of his coaching moves. Say what you want about Lampard, he's been scoring goals at an amazing clip, but he's really not performing his midfield duties well. That has led to Villa and TMac having to help get the ball forward, which screws up our shape and makes our attack look shapeless. Our games have been spaced out pretty nicely recently, and its at the end of the season, everyone is in great shape and most of our stars are used to intl games sprinkled into league games, so I don't buy the tired argument.
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We have 8 days off going into this game.

8 days off isn't 8 days "off." It's 8 days without a match. He's clearly been pushing them in training and that's catching up to some of the players. I would put Jack Harrison in the tired group. He's young and putting in a lot of time between training and media and all of the physical toll is enough but the emotional toll may be tough too.
8 days off isn't 8 days "off." It's 8 days without a match. He's clearly been pushing them in training and that's catching up to some of the players. I would put Jack Harrison in the tired group. He's young and putting in a lot of time between training and media and all of the physical toll is enough but the emotional toll may be tough too.
Agree. He looked winded 10 min into the last match - his face said it all after each push down the sideline.
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So I guess we'll be seeing something like this on Saturday:

-------------------Refuses to Start Eirik-------------
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So I guess we'll be seeing something like this on Saturday:

-------------------Refuses to Start Eirik-------------
Cosmos donut redux
Mix effectively does not play for this team anymore. I wouldn't pencil him into anything.

More rotation on the wings can be expected, and that's already been happening with Harrison a little bit. We demand a lot from our wingers, especially when we slide into a 3-man backline and make them play end-line to end-line.

And Lampard, Pirlo, Villa, and Iraola will probably each get a game or two off down the stretch. I wouldn't necessarily be upset to see all three DP's sit on the New England turf. I don't want Bravo to get off the hook for the goal he surrendered against DC United though. Sit 'em for another game.
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So I guess we'll be seeing something like this on Saturday:

-------------------Refuses to Start Eirik-------------
We still want to win, so I would be surprised if we saw a lineup close to this at all.
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There's a fuller version of Vieira's comments in an EoS article here. Blue City Radio also posted a new episode this morning, but I haven't had a chance to listen, so I'm not sure if it includes any of Vieira's comments or not
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